The Pirates, The Parrot, The Puzzels and the Talking Boats

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(Warning: longest chapter I have written ever)
It was a Wednesday.

Penn had come back from Washington DC after his days of training. As soon as he entered the Odyssey with his stuff last night, he was suddenly in the bottom of a dog pile formed by his girlfriend and friends. "Come on. I was gone for only 4 days!" He had said while laughing. "We don't care! We missed you!" Alex had replied. So now, here we are, the next day with the group having come back from school, eating snow cones Penn made them with his powers. Anyways, the were surprised to see that Phillis had set up her own convention stand in the theater. "Damn, Phillis. You know how to make comics." Alex said, holding his copy of the comic book Phillis made to remind them of what happened the last last time they zapped. "Thank you." "Look Phillis. It's cool that you can make comic books. But I want to save my parents now!" Penn said, slapping the book in his hand for emphasis, accidentally freezing it. "Dude. May I remind you that we need to other shards?" Jack asked him. Penn sighed and unfroze the comic. "How am I going to find two shards in the infinite multiverse?" Penn asked.

"Look, I get it. You want to save your parents. I want to save parents. Karen and Deric want to save parents. Sashi wants to save parents. Boone and Jack want to save parents. Alexandra wants to save parents. But, we need those shards. So, now when in a world with shard, MUHU will go green. But still need to fix it so you go as normal." Phillis said. Penn sighed and nodded. The four kids walked over to the warp pad while Jack took his seat next to the computer. "Good luck, bitches!" Jack yelled from his spot. The teens laughed. "Yes, yes. Good luck." Phillis said and zapped the quartet.

Penn opened his eyes to see that he was now in the middle of the ocean, standing on a boat. The redhead was wearing a simple white shirt, dark green pants, a navy blue coat, a dark red belt around his waist, and brown boots with a matching pirate hat. "Huh. A pirate world. Not bad." He muttered. "Hey there!" Penn heard Alex's excited voice. He turned around and his jaw dropped. His lady was wearing a red long sleeved button up dress with black and golden rimmed collar, cuffs, pockets and belt, black leggings, black knee high boots, a pearl necklace around her neck and a black hat. Her brown hair was still its wavy self.

 Her brown hair was still its wavy self

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"Oh my god." He muttered. The two teens walked to each other and met up in the middle of the ship. Penn noticed Alex blushing softly. "You know, you have to be the most attractive and beautiful pirate I have ever seen." Penn said with a smirk. "Thank you. I must admit, Captain, you are quite the hot guy." Alex said with a smirk of her own. The redhead chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "Since when did I say I was the captain?" "You are the leader." "Fair point. Captain Penn Zero. Has a nice ring tone, doesn't?" Penn asked the girl. She nodded. "But, you are the other leader as well, my dear." Penn said. "Good point. Captain Alexandra Hamilton. Sounds nice." She said, causing the two to laugh. "So... where are Sashi and Boone?" Alex asked.

A parrot flew by and landed on Penn's shoulder. Alex noticed the parrot was wearing glasses and they both smirked. "Nice beak." Penn joked. "Rah!" Sashi the parrot screeched, flying off. "Save your insults! Save your insults!" "Oof, that is annoying," Penn huffed, straightening his hat. "One would've done the trick, Sash." "Well, that's how parrots work, dear." Alex said as the parrot landed on her shoulder and she pet it. "Daaayyyy o! Daaayyyy o!" Jack's voice was heard from the earpiece the group had. "Hi Jack." Alex said. "Hi! Good to see you're alright. Anyways, where's Boone?" Penn put a hand over his eyes and scanned the area. "He's out there somewhere..." "Nope!" Boone's voice called out. "Down here buddy! I'm the boat... and a whale." Alex went over and looked down and saw what Boone said was true. "Wow! How are you working?" She asked. "Dunno! But it feels good." Boone said. "Why look at that!" Penn laughed, joining his girlfriend at the main dock. "I guess boats are alive in the world. Oh multiverse, What will you come up with next? Sashi, check the specks." "Rah! Check the Specs, Sash! Check the Specs, Sash!" The parrot said, causing the two pirate teens to flinch.

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