A New Discovery

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Everyone was in the hospital room of the lab.

Alexandra, Jack, their parents, the interns, and the kids. Alex wanted to kill those scientists who could have possibly killed Penn. But, she had to keep it under control. Kim and Sally sat next to her. "It's okay. I'm sure he's going to be fine." Kim said, rubbing Alex's back. "I really do hope." The brunette said. "Hey. From what I saw, Penn's a tough guy. He'll make it through." Sally said. Alex sighed and nodded. While that was happening, Jack, James, Damian, Andy, And Drake went over to tell Doctor Norton everything. Needless to say, the doctor was pissed off and actually fired the scientists who conducted the experiment, so Alex got her justice. "What made those idiots think that was okay?" Stephen asked. "I guess they just wanted to prove someone wrong." Anna said, rubbing her daughter's back. "But who?" John asked. "Probably Norton." Ella said. "I'm just glad those bitches got fired." Alex said through gritted teeth. "Same. Never like them in the first place." Andy said. "So. You, Penn, Jack and two other people are the heroes of the multiverse?" Henry asked . Alex and Jack nodded. "Wow. That's really cool!" Then, the door opened to reveal a man with dirty blonde hair. "Hi. Nick Truman. I looked over the kid." He said. "Well? How is he?" Alex asked. "He's fine. Although, some thing happened." Nick said, pulling James and Anna aside. "What would that be?" Anna asked.

Alex and the kids walked inside the room to see an unconscious Penn Zero lying there, still wearing his clothes. "Poor guy." Damian said. Suddenly, Penn's MUHU began to beep. "Oh no! His parents!" Jack said. "What about them?" Drake asked. "They're calling him!" Alex said. "Oh crap! What do we do?!" Andy asked. "Someone has to answer the call!" Kim said. "Then I'll do it." Alex said. She grabbed the MUHU from Penn's belt. The screen came on to reveal the redhead's parents fighting monsters as usual. "Woah!" The kids said. "What is that?!" Sally asked. "You don't wanna know." Jack said. "Hi, Penn. What's...." Brock stopped himself as he saw Alex instead of his son. "Hi, Mr and Mrs. Zero." She said with a nervous chuckle. "Alex. Where's Penn? And who are they?" Vonnie asked. "They're my fellow experiments. As for Penn. Um. Well..." Alex turned the MUHU around to show the couple their unconscious son. They screamed. "What. Happened?!" Vonnie asked. "Long story short. He got hit by a beam from some idiotic scientists." Drake stepped up. "Don't worry. He's alive." Sally piped up. "Oh thank goodness! But, was there a side effect form the blast?" Brock asked. "Yes, actually." Nick said, coming in the room. "You must be Penn's parents. I'm Nick Truman, your son's doctor." Nick said, giving the couple a short nod.

"Okay son, speak to us. What's the side effect?" Brock asked while another monster attacked them. "Well, the blast basically gave Penn ice powers." Nick said. "What?!" Everyone asked. "Curse the damn Russians!!" John yelled. Everyone looked at him. "The scientists. They were Russian." He meekly explained. "So... he had ice powers?" Kim asked Nick. "Pretty much." He said. Suddenly, there was a groan. Everyone turned as saw that Penn was waking up. "Ugh. What happened?" He asked. Alex smiled and hugged him tightly. Penn chuckled and hugged back. "I'm so happy you're okay!" She said. "Well, I have been through worse, love." Penn said. Alex pulled back. "Welcome back, dude!" Andy said. "Thanks man." Penn said. "Hi there. I'm Nick Truman. Your doctor." Nick said, shaking the teen's hand. "Hi." He said. "So. What happened?" Penn asked. "Penn, dearie. Don't freak out, but... you have ice powers now." Alexandra said. His eyes widened. "Seriously?" He asked. Everyone nodded. "Woah." He breathed. "Now, we know this is a bit frightening, and-" "Are you kidding me?! This is the coolest thing ever!! No pun intended." Penn said in joy. "So... you're okay with this?" Ella asked. "Yeah. I've always wanted superpowers!" Penn said. "Well, you did say the cold never bothered you anyways." Alex said, with the other kids, Matt, and Jenny laughing. "Sashi And Boone are going to blow their shit!!" Jack said. "Wait! I got it!" Andy began before pointing at Alex. "Jedi!" Then, he pointed to Penn. "Frozone!" He said. The two teens laughed. "Really?" Penn asked. "Well, I was also thinking Elsa." "Frozone it is Then!" Penn said, laughing.

"So. What do we do now?" Drake asked. "Now. We need to train him." Nick said, turning to Penn. "Don't suppose you mind skipping school and hero work for just one day?" He asked. Penn shook his head. "Nah. I don't mind." He said. "Great! Can we help out?" Sally asked. "Of course!" Nick said. Alex smiled and reached for Penn's hand. "Holy shit." She said. "What?" "You're hands are cold!!" Alex said. Penn chuckled. "Must be the ice powers." Penn leaned over and pecked the girl on the cheek. "Can you feel the love, tonight?" Andy, Drake, Damian And Jack began singing. "Oh shut up!" Penn and Alex said, but both kids were blushing. The boys laughed, only to get a shock from Sally. "Thanks, Thor." The couple said. "No problem." She said. "Hey mom. Hey dad." Penn said to his parents. "Hey sweetie. Thank god you're okay!" His mother said. "I'll be fine mom. I just need to learn some stuff." Penn said. "Look sport, we need to go. So please be responsible with these powers of yours." Will do, dad." "Nice meeting you all." Vonnie said to the kids. "Same here, Mrs. Zero." Kim said. And with that, the call ended.

Alex noticed her boyfriend's sadness and hugged him. "We'll get them back. I promise." She said. "I know." He said. "And we'll help out with whatever we can from here." Matt offered. "Thanks guys." Penn said. "What time is it, anyways?" Drake asked. "It 3. Why do you ask?" Ella asked the boy. "You think you can walk again?" Drake asked the redhead. "Yeah." He said. "Well then. Let's go!" Drake said, grabbing Penn and pulling him off the bed. "Where?!" He asked. "To the dojo!" "You guys have a dojo?" He asked Damian. "Yes. Now let's do this!" He said, grabbing Penn's other arm and they pulled him to the dojo. Alex and Jack looked at the others. "Dojo? Really?" Alex asked. "Yeah, we know. Weird. But that's what the kids call it." Jenny said. "Okay then. We should follow then." Alex said.

(Beware, Cobra Kai season 2 finale spoilers ahead. You have been warned.)

They arrived at the dojo. For over the next few hours, the kids took turns teaching Penn about his powers while also chatting with Alex and Jack. "Look, I think Robbie is okay. But what he did to Miguel was so low class!" Jack said. "Agreed. I mean, he could have killed the poor guy." John said. "But you have to admit, the fight scene before that was really cool." Andy said. "Yeah. Kind of was." Alex said. "Hey. What are y'all talking about?" Damian asked as he and Penn sat down by them. "Cobra Kai season 2 finale." Kim said, healing Penn's and Damian's wounds. "Oh yeah. I hated Robbie for that!" Penn said. "And the fact that Sam also got put in the hospital was sad as well." Damian said. "Yeah. Sam and Miguel didn't deserve this." Sally said. "I wish they would get back together." Henry said. "And the fact that Johnny lost the dojo to Kresse was sad as well." Peter said. "I'm calling it: Daniel and Johnny team up to take Kresse down in season 3." Tony said.

"Hey. If you guys were there in that fight, who would you join? Cobra Kai or Miagi Do?" Stephen asked. The teens chose a side quickly, well, except for Penn. "What about you Zero?" Andy asked. "That's... a hard one. I mean, I would not want to be in the same side as Tori. But, I would enjoy kicking Robbie's butt." The redhead boy said. "So... you would be the rouge one?" Drake asked. "Kind of. I mean, I don't want to fight Miguel and Sam. Just Tori and Robbie!" "But if you do, then mostly Miguel would attack you for hitting Tori." Alex said. "True. But Penn does bring up a good point. The show is good at showing that there is no black and white here. Just gray." Jack said. "Yes. But we can all agree that the real villain here is Kresse, correct?" Kim asked and the teens nodded. "What the hell are you all talking about?" Matt asked as he and Jenny came by. "Cobra Kai season two finale." The kids said. "Okay then. Anyways, time for bed guys. Penn, you're gonna have to stay here. That okay?" Jenny asked the redhead boy. He nodded.

The group walked back to the entrance of the lab. "I would like to apologize for what happened once again." Dr. Norton said to Penn. "It's fine doc. Let's just say that I have seen weirder." Penn said with a small smirk. "So. Will you come back tomorrow?" Henry asked. "Of course we are! This is my sister's boyfriend we're talking about!!" Jack said, earning a playful smack from Alex. "See you tomorrow." She said. "See you tomorrow, my love." Penn said, taking the brunette girl into his arms and kissing her. "Hey! Get a room you two!" Andy said. Penn flipped him off while kissing Alex. The group laughed. "Bye." Alex said, walking out the lab with her family. "Bye." Penn said, waving at her. Once the Hamilton family left, Penn sighed and crossed his arms across his chest.

"So. How am I going to tell this to Sashi and Boone?" He asked himself.

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