He's Back!

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"Hello, Alexandra." Troy said as he saw the girl.

Alex gave out a shaky breath. "Hello, Troy. Nice seeing you again." She said with an uneasy smile. Troy sat down down next to Alex. The teacher began to teach her class. They were learning about the American revolution. After a quick lesson, the teacher gave out the class work. "Okay kids. The only homework I will give you is the list of vocabulary words throughout the chapter. But you can have the next 30 minutes to work on it. And you can listen to music if you want." Mrs. Jennings said. "Can we work with a partner?" A student asked. "I suppose. But do work and be quiet. You can whisper, but not talk out loud." She said.

Alex immediately turned to Penn. "Wanna team up?" They both asked each other at the same time. "Sure." They both said. "Also, jinx." Penn said, gaining a quiet giggle from Alex. She then felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned to see it was Troy. "Hey babe. Wanna work together?" He asked with a smirk. Alex glared at her ex boyfriend. "Not in a million years. And stop calling me that." Alex said. Troy scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You'll regret this, Alex. You'll see." He said and he walked away. Alexandra huffed and looked back at her new friend. "Sorry you had to see that." She apologized. "Hey, it's no problem. That guy's totally an asshole." Penn said. This made Alexandra smile a bit. "Okay. How about you do half, I do the other. Then we switch." She said. "Deal." Penn said. And with that, the two teens began to work.

"So. What's up with you and Troy?" Penn asked her. "Oh! You don't have to answer if you have to!" He quickly added as he saw Alexandra's uncomfortable face. "Oh no. It's fine. Troy and I met in the sixth grade. He seemed like a nice guy. Eventually, he asked me out when we entered the seventh grade and I said yes. We dated for a while. That was until, the night of the eighth grade party. The class had a small get together about a week after week one of classes. Troy and I attended the party. We were having a lot fun, actually. But then... I went over to the bathroom cause I had to. Before I was about to exit the bathroom, Troy busted in. He began to kiss me, but not in the way you think. Heck, he was nearly close to do the unthinkable deed on me. If it weren't for a couple of girls that came in and saved me, Troy would've walked out with my innocence. Of course, the next day, I broke up with him. My family sued his, but somehow, the case was dismissed. But, ever since breaking up with Troy, he's been following me. And now, seeing that he flew from my home in Washington DC, It's looks like he's downright stalking me now." Alex said, feeling tears form in her eyes.

"Hey." Penn said softly, leaning forward and wiping her tears away in a gentle manner. "It's going to be alright." Penn sighed. "Look, what Troy nearly did to you in the most horrible and disgusting thing I have ever heard. No girl should be treated like that. Especially not to a girl like you. Troy will never hurt you like that ever again." He said. "What makes you say that?" Alex asked. "Cause my friends and I will make sure it doesn't." Penn said with a smile. "So. You're going to be like my school bodyguard or something?" Alex asked with with a smirk. "No. I'll just happen to be your friend that is protecting you from Troy." He said with smirk. Alex smiled and giggled.

"Has anyone told you that you look cute when you smile?" Penn asked. Alex blushed. "No. Not really. Only family." She said. "Well I'm telling you that now." He said. "Thank you." She said. "No problem, Alex." He said. The two continued to work and eventually finished. "Alex?" Penn asked. "Yeah, Penn?" "If I were to beat up Troy right now, I would get suspended, wouldn't I?" He asked. "Yes. You probably would. If there is anything my father taught me is that not to do anything stupid." Alex said. Both teens laughed quietly as the bell went off. "So, what's your next class? Mine's art with a... Mr. Rippen. Weird name." Alex commented. "Same. Want me to walk you to your locker?" Penn asked and Alex nodded.

The two teens walked over to their lockers to grab their stuff. Alex placed the textbook inside closed her locker. She didn't want to care that thing around all day, it was too heavy! She was turned around to tell Penn that she as all done. Only to see Troy standing there, smirking at her. "Hey babe. Wanna ditch this place for some real fun?" Troy asked while still smirking. Knowing him, Alex knew what he meant. "I rather lick the toilet, you asshole." Alex hissed. She began to walk away, only for Troy to grab her arm roughly and yank her back. "What did you just call me, bitch?" He asked quietly in fury.

"Hey!" A voice came in. Next thing Alex knew, Penn was standing right in front of her, sending death like glares to Troy. "Get the fuck away from her." He snarled at him. "Oh really? What are you gonna do about it, red?" Troy asked. "I'll beat your ass! Listen. What you nearly did to Alex a year ago is horrible. And I suggest you stay the fuck away from her before I do kick your ass." Penn said. "Why you-" "Come on Penn. We should get going to class. I don't want you getting suspended." Alex said, grabbing Penn by the arm and they both walk off. "This isn't over you two! You'll regret this Hamilton! You to Zero!" Troy shouted. Penn turned around and flipped the guy off, before disappearing with Alexandra.

Penn then looked over at the brunette. "Are you okay, Alexandra?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you for doing that. Even if you nearly beaten up his ass." Alex said. Both teens chuckled. "Well, I couldn't just stand there. I had to do something." He said. "Yeah. Guess so." Alex said. "Anyways. Just to give you a heads up, Rippen is the most hated teacher ever. He hates everyone, especially me." Penn said. "Why's that?" Alex asked. "Don't know. He just does." Penn said. Alex raised an eyebrow. She felt that there was more than what Penn was leading on to. But upon seeing the uncomfortable face on the redhead, she didn't say anything and let it be.

They arrived at the class. "Come on, Penn. I'm sure you're just exaggerating about Rippen." Alexandra said. "Exaggerate what about me?" A voice asked. Alex turned and saw that it was a man. He looked to be around his 30s. He had oddly green looking skin, and his hair was up and it looked like a skunk! He was wearing a dark purple dress shirt, black pants, black dress shoes, and a golden apron with art supplies. "Oh. You must be Mr. Rippen. I'm Alexandra Hamilton. But feel free to call me Alex if you want, sir." Alex said. "Nice to meet you to, dear. Now go on and take a seat." Rippen said and took a seat on his desk.

"Um. Where?" Alex asked. "Anywhere. Just go on and take one." Rippen said, not looking up for his newspaper. Alex looked at him and left. "You were saying?" Penn asked with a triumphant smirk. "Okay. You were right. Looks like the guy misses his morning cup of coffee." Alex said, causing both her and the boy to laugh. "Come on. You can sit with me and my friends." The redhead said. "Okay then." She said. Penn led the both of them to a table and Alex saw two people there. The first one was that Sashi Kobayashi girl. The other was a portly brunette boy. He had brown eyes as well and had a cap placed backwards on his head. He was wearing a green tank top, black shorts, and brown flip flops. "Hey PZ." Sashi said, smiling at the boy. "Who's the new girl?" The boy asked. "Guys, this is Alexandra Hamilton. She's new here. Alexandra, these are my friends: Sashi Kobayashi and Boone Wiseman." Penn said. "Nice meeting you, Alexandra." Sashi said. "Please, call me Alex. And it's nice to meet you to." Alex said, shaking both of their hands and sitting down next to Penn.

"Um. There's already another Alex." Boone said, pointing to a Buffy African American male. "Simple. We'll call him Al for now on." Penn said, causing the four teens to chuckle. "So. You're related to Alexander Hamilton?" Sashi asked. "Yeah. But don't tell anyone." She said. Boone and Sashi nodded. "Let the torture begin." Sashi said. "Okay, is the teacher is a sour puss. No biggie. As long as Troy is not here, I will be okay." Alex said with a smile, looking around the room. Her smile turned into a frown. And this didn't go unnoticed by Penn and the others. "You okay, Alex?" Sashi asked. "Yeah, what are you..." Penn stopped himself as he saw what Alex was seeing. They both saw Troy enter the class.

"Fuck." Both teens swore. "Dudes! Language!" Boone said. Alex places her head on the table. "You okay?" Sashi asked again. "Hello darkness, my old friend." Alex said to herself. Penn rubbed her back as a sign of comfort. "Let me guess: you know that guy?" Boone asked. "Yes. He's my ex." Alex said. "Oh." Both Sashi and Boone said. "Not to mention, I nearly beat the crap out of him." Penn said. "What?!" "Allow me to explain things." Alex said, and she told the two about her relationship with Troy. "Damn." Boone and Sashi said. "I know. I should report him to cops, huh?" Alex asked. "Definitely!" The trio said. Alex looked over again. Troy was walking to them. Only to stop and walk away.

Alex turned around to see Penn giving the guy a viscous glare. "Woah. Settle down there, Zero. No need for you to go all Thor Ragnorok on him." Alex said. Penn took a deep breath and calmed down for a bit. "Okay. You're right. Let's just get this class over with." Penn said, smiling at her and the others.

"This should be interesting." Alex thought to herself.

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