First Day of The Job

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"You can do this, child!" Jack cheered as the five kids walked inside the theater.

Jack had officially enrolled to Middleburg Central High and would start tomorrow. Alex decided to bring Jack along with her, just he can get to know the trio beforehand. She was happy that they got along very well on the way over here. Second day of school wasn't that bad, since Troy stood his distance from Alex and Penn. Of course, Jack said that he wouldn't say anything about the job and just went over to see how things were like.

"By god, Jack. I'm older than you!" Alex said. "I don't care!" Jack said, causing the other three to laugh. "But still, you got this." Jack said. "He's right. We got your back, Alex." Sashi said. "Thank you guys, really. Though, I'm still nervous." Alex said. "Hey, you'll be fine. I promise." Penn said, smiling at her. Alex smiled back and turned to Sashi and Boone. "So. I assume Penn told you about my little secret." They nodded. "Good." She said as they exited the lobby. "Hello children. Who's that?" Phillis asked as she saw Jack. "This is my best friend who just moved here last night, Jack. Jack, this is Phillis, the boss." Alex said. "Hi there. And don't worry. I won't tell anyone." Jack said. Phillis smiled at him. "Very well then, have a seat Jack."

Jack wakes over to the seat in the front. The quartet walk over to the warp pad. "I have just set up spot for Alex." Phillis said. A fourth spot appeared between Penn and Boone's spot. Alex smiled a bit. "Thank you." She said. She walked over to the spot. "Come on. You'll be fine. We're right here for you." Penn said, extending his hand to her. "Yeah! Go Alex!! You can do it! Woo!!" Boone cheered from his spot. Alex giggled and accepted Penn's hand. The redhead pulled her over to her spot and let go of her hand, much to her disappointment. "Okay. First zap. Got any advice for me, Phillis?" Alex asked the lady. "Yes, Yes. What was it? Oh yeah, good luck." Phillis said, sending the trio to the dimensions of the day. "Be safe, Alex." Jack whispered.

Alex opened her eyes to see that she was somewhere else completely.

The sun was setting, and they were in a forest with a white rustic mansion a couple feet ahead. The brunette looked down at her clothes. She was wearing a white short sleeved shirt with a bow in the front, gray black skinny jeans, and white converse sneakers with polka dotted laces. She still had the butterfly clip on her hair. Alex looked at the others. They were also still the same like her. Human, but different clothing. Penn was wearing a blue flannel shirt, black jeans, black converse sneakers, and a brown leather jacket. Sashi was wearing a black sweater, maroon skirt, black flats and her usual glasses. And Boone was wearing a red plain shirt with blue jeans and his usual flip flops and cap.

"Okay. So... that felt a bit weird." Alex said, gaining a chuckle from the trio. "Trust me, you'll get used to it." Penn said, smiling at her. Alex smiled back and felt a pinch of pink on her cheeks. Mainly cause she was still nervous about this job and that Penn looked quite the hot guy. "Gah! Get it together Alex." "So. What are we supposed to do?" Alex asked. "Right. Sashi, check the spects." Penn said. Sashi pressed a button on her glasses. A small hologram screen came out. "Woah." Alex said. "Okay. We are a group of mystery solving teens. Our mission is to investigate the mansion and stop the monsters before the break of dawn, cause that is when the monsters will allegedly go out and do whatever on the people." Sashi said.

"So... we're basically the Scooby gang? But minus the talking dog?" Alex asked, trying to clarify things. "Yep. Pretty much." Penn said. "Well, if this is anything like Scooby Doo, it's probably just Rippen and Larry in disguise." Boone said. "Good eye, Boone. Wait. Rippen and Larry?" Alex asked with a raised eyebrow. "Okay. I probably should have told you this sooner, but our art teacher and principal are the part time villains." Penn said, blushing in embarrassment and rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay then. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get going." Alex said with optimism and walked over to the mansion, with the others following to her.

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