At The End of The Worlds

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Okay! Stuff is going down now!!

Today was the day. The quartet were going to the most dangerous world imaginable to save Penn's parents!! The kids were given a set of armor and a weapon. (Alex's armor is basically based on the one from the live action Alice in Wonderland movie, with a bit of white and red, if you were wondering about that) Alex called their friends from the Lab to ask for help and they all agreed. They showed up, got suited up and went with the heroes. They went over there and after facing some challenges, they made it to the mountain top where Penn's parents were trapped. Long story short, an epic clash between good and evil, Penn nearly got killed thanks to a flying shark, they saved Penn parents, and they placed to bombs to close the portal. Yep, everything was going according to plan. Except for one thing...

"Oooh," Rippen looked like he'd come to a realization. "That's what that's for. You know, funny story, um, earlier today, I actually snuck in here and sabotaged a bunch of stuff. You know, back when I was know, really, really evil. My bad." Everyone started glaring at Rippen. "What. The. Hell, man?!" Drake asked. The man suddenly brought his tail out. "Has everyone had a look at my gorgeous tail? It's always been there. Everyone have a look at it, before I put it away." No one was amused. Andy groaned and face palmed. Phyllis looked so done. "Anyway, without remote detonator, we are doomed." "We are doomed!" Phil repeated. "No. It can't end like this, right?" Jenny asked. "There has to be another way." Ella insisted. "Tell us there is another way." Nick begged. At her words, the ground shook. Phyllis pressed the side of her head gear. "Phyllis has run calculations and only way to save multiverse is for someone to go in and close portal from other side."

"Okay...maybe another way?" Alex asked. Vonnie suddenly took her husband's arm. They looked at each other once before saying, "We'll go." Penn looked horrified and ran up to them "What?! No! You just came back!" Brock placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Son, we're the only ones who have done it before." "Being away from you breaks our hearts but knowing you'll be okay is all we need to be happy." Vonnie said. Penn looked ready to cry and hugged his parents. "It's not fair." "Oh god." Sally said, covering her mouth as tears threatened to fall her eyes, and clutched Drake's arm. "This can't be happening." Jack said. "I'm sorry kids, but it is the only way." Brock said. Alex shook her head. She wasn't going to let Penn loose his parents.

"No." She said, loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone looked at her. "I'll close it." She said. "What?!" They all said. "Using your powers? All by yourself?!" Damian asked. "I can do it." Alex said. "Girl. Have you seen Season 2 of ST?! El nearly dies!!" Sally said. "I can handle it." Alex persisted. "Alex! You don't have to do this!" Brock said. "We don't want you to get hurt!" Vonnie said. "Alex," Penn began, walking over to her. "I can't lose you." He said. "You won't lose me." She said. "Promise?" He asked. "Promise." She said. Alex pecked Penn's lips. "Wish me luck." Alex said. Penn gave her a smile and nodded. "Okay everyone! Make room!" Phillis said. Everyone obeyed. "Remember Alex! We're all right behind you." Kim said. "You got this!" Andy said. The others gave out encouraging words.

Alex smiled at them, and turned around and glared at the portal. She put out a hand and began to concentrate. Everyone stared intensely at the portal in front of them. The portal was slowly closing. "Hey! I think it's working!" Nick said. "You go girl!" Sashi said. Everyone cheered as Alex began to close the portal. Penn smiled widely, only to feel a hand on his shoulder. He looked over and saw that it was Matt. "Houston, we have a problem." He said, pointing at the portal. Penn and the others looked up to the portal and saw that the portal was fighting back. "Oh shit." Andy said. "That. Can't be good." Stephen said. "Come on, Alex! You can do it!" John said. "We know you can!" Drake said. "Come on Alex! You need to give it your all!" Ella said. "We believe in you, Alex!" Penn said. Soon, everyone in the room began chanting: "We believe in you!"

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