Larry Manor

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"Get back here, Ferris Bueller!" Jack yelled as he and the others raced to the Odyssey. "Never, Jeanie!" Alex yelled back over her shoulder.

The teens decided to have some fun and race each other the Odyssey. Alex and Penn were tied for the lead, while Sashi, Boone, and Jack ties for last. Alex yelped as she had to jump over a bench. "I'm surprised you're catching up with me." Penn said as they ran. "What can I say? I am determined to win." Alex said. They kept running to the Odyssey. For a while Penn actually snuck into Rippen's car. "That's cheating!!" Alex yelled as Penn hopped out of the car. "I never said that one could use a car!" Penn said. Alex playfully rolled her eyes.

"And the winner and champion is still..." Penn couldn't finish the sentence as he and the others bumped into the door and fell to the ground. Alex looked down and saw that she fell on top of Penn, his hands on her waist. "You okay?" He asked. She nodded. "Well, pain collusion aside, I guess we can guess who's the winner." Penn said, helping Alex up. "It's not about winning. It's about what you can steal from your friend while he wins!!" Boone said, eating a cupcake. "Come on man! I was saving that." Penn said. "Here, you can have the tuna." The brunette boy said, handing over the tuna to his friend, who recoiled a bit.

Alex saw Rippen and Larry do the same thing as crash land to the floor. "The power is out. No mission." Phillis said. "What a shame Rippen. We would have beaten you as always." The redhead said, smirking at the part time villain. "Oh shut up." Rippen growled. "Hey! How about we all head to my house for a snack?" Larry suggested. "No thanks." Everyone else said. "Oh. Okay. Well, looks like it will be like my Halloween party, or my Christmas party, or my harbor day party. All alone." Larry said, sadly. Alex and Penn looked at each other, feeling a bit guilty for saying no. They looked over at their friends and gave them a look. They sighed. "Fine." They said.

So, they all packed into Rippen's car and drive To Larry's house.

Their jaws were dropped as they saw the house, or should I say, manor. "Woah." The kids said. They parked and got out of the car. "Why am I getting Jurassic Park vibes?" Jack asked himself. "Wow. Larry, how did you afford this place?" Alex asked. "Simple. I win the lottery 32 times." Larry said, feeding an elephant. "32 times?! How??" Penn asked as they walked up the steps. "By buying the winning ticket, silly." Larry said as they entered. The kids looked around in awe. "Wait. Is that a gift shop?" Sashi asked. "Larry!" Penn said. Suddenly, there was a noise. Coming into the room was a tiny elephant. "Rippen. You remember my teacup sided elephant, Tony?" Larry asked. "How could I possibly not." Rippen said sarcastically.

"Aww! It's so cute!" Alex squealed. Penn chuckled at her adorableness. "Anyways, we should get going." Larry said. After meeting Matthews, Larry's butler, and Fredrick, Matthews's butler, they were escorted to a ride out of all things. It was one of those log rides, but Alex couldn't help but to feel that she had seen this before. "Am I the only one getting deja vu?" Alex asked her friends and boyfriend. "Yeah. Me too." Penn said. In order, Rippen and Larry day on the front, much to Rippen's pleas not to, Penn and Alex in the second row, Jack and Boone in the third row, and Sashi all by herself in the fourth row, leaving two empty rows behind them.

The ride began and they entered a tunnel. They went up a hill slowly. Alex heard voices. Wait. Familiar voices and animatronics, a log ride, Rippen not wanting to sit on the front. Oh no! They were in. Alex and Penn looked at each other with shocked faces. "Splash Mountain." They said. And they were about to do the big drop. Alex gulped. She had never rode Splash Mountain beforehand, for being too much of a coward. And now, she was being forced to do so. Penn must have sensed her nervousness, as she felt his hand on top of hers. "It's okay. I'm right here." He whispered. They reached the top. The couple looked down to see the drop. It looked higher than usual. Penn wasn't going to lie, this made him super nervous. He didn't think it was going to be bad. He was SO wrong!!
And they went down.

Alex and Penn screamed and they went down the big drop. Due to the screaming, Penn failed to see the MUHU beep. Sashi has her eyes closed and didn't see the flashing spects. Boone forgot his phone at home. Alex's phone unfortunately died. And Jack had the same problem. (So Phillis and Phil ended up doing the mission themselves). They landed. The couple laughed their butts off, seeing that they were quite wet. "That was amazing!" Alex said. "I know! It wasn't that bad." Penn said, squeezing out his wet hair.

Okay, so. After the Splash Mountain ride, everyone dried themselves off and went over to the dining area. Then, Tony the elephant went missing, promoting Rippen and Penn to compete with each other. So now, Penn and Alex were walking through the green house. Sashi and Boone stayed behind and Alex went with him to keep him from losing it.

"Should have brought my jungle pit helmet." Penn muttered. "Penn. We gotta talk." Alex said. "Sure. What's up?" He asked. Alex turned him around so he could gave her. "There's no point in this." She said. "What?" "Turning this into a competition. There is no point in that. You don't need to win this to prove how great you are. Just being you is great." Alex said. She leaned and kissed him. "Please don't ever forget that." She said softly, pulling back from the kiss. Penn smiled at her and hugged her. "Never. And if I ever do, please slap some sense into me." Alex giggled and nodded. "But you're right. This competition thing is pointless. Let's just find the elephant and go home." He said, taking her by the hand. She nodded. Penn took her hand, brought it up to his lips and kissed her hand softly. "Seriously, if it ever happens again, really do slap some sense into me. It will help a lot." Alex bursted into laughter.

Penn knew that he could be arrogant at times. But as long as Alexandra was there to slap him back to reality, he would be alright.

Tony was founded eventually in Matthews room.

The whole thing was staged as an act by Fredrick because he was jealous of Matthews' status, which was revealed to Penn and Alex when they were trapped inside the man eating plant. Once the truth was revealed, Matthews have Fredrick another chance. But all was not done yet. Tony fell into a pit of snakes by accident and ask did Rippen and Penn. "Seriously, what the heck Larry?" Jack asked as they looked down. "Are you two fine?" Alex asked. "We're okay." Penn said before chasing the elephant.

It seemed that Penn was going to be victorious, but remembering Alex's words from the green house, he gave Rippen the win. Alex smiled at her boyfriend's actions. "Now, um. How do we get up?" Rippen asked, stopping his celebration. "I got it." Alex said, and concentrated. Penn, Tony and Rippen were lifted up to the air and they landed back with the others. Alex let them go. Stumbling over a bit, Penn caught her in his arms. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Penn asked. "Yeah. Guess you three were a bit to heavy for me." She said, pushing herself up with the redhead's help.

And so, our heroes left Larry Manor. Alex had called Geoffrey and he drives them to their houses. "Gladly to know that  you have learned a great lesson today, Penn." Jack said. "Thanks man." "See you tomorrow." Alex said as they arrived at his house. "See ya." Penn said. He and Alex kissed and he and Jack fist bumped. Penn smiled at them and got of the car and went inside the house. Geoffrey began driving again. "You two should just get married right now." He said. "I agree." Jack said. "Boys!" Alex said, blushing. Both Jack and Geoffrey laughed.

"But god damn it, I do want to marry the guy!"

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