Hospital Visit

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The young couple just stood there, holding each other. The girl was crying her eyes out and the boy whispered sweet nothings to her.

Eventually, Alex stopped her crying. "I think I'm good now." She murmured against the redhead's chest. "Are you sure?" Penn asked. She nodded. "Okay then." He said. She pulled back from the hug and wiped her tears. "Alex! Penn!" They heard Jack yell. The dirty blonde boy came over rushing to them, Sashi and Boone behind him. He hugged the brunette telekinetic girl. "The hospital call me and told me everything. I am so sorry." Jack said. Alex returned the hug. "It's alright, Jack." She said. "Are you sure?" Boone asked in concern. "Yes." She said.

"So, what's the status report?" Sashi asked. "Granny has to stay for a week, Geoffrey two, dad three. Mom and grandpa are still unconscious." Alex said. "But they are-" "Yes. They're still alive." Penn answered for the girl. She smiled at him to say 'thank you' and he nodded. "You should probably go visit them." Jack said. Alex nodded and walked over to the door where her grandmother was. She knocked on the door gently. "Come on in." The sweet voice of an elderly lady was heard. Alex opened the door was saddened to see her grandmother lying there in a hospital bed.

"Hey, granny." She said, walking over to the bed. "Hello dear. How are you? How was the party?" Mary Ann asked with as smile. "It was great. But, what about you? What happened?" Alex asked, worried. "I must have gotten that heart attack when they told my about what happened to your grandfather and parents. Luckily, I was in the supermarket and people noticed me and called the ambulance. But don't fret, my dear. I'm okay now." Mary Ann said. "Well, What matters is that you're all alive and well." Alex asked. "By the way, how are they doing?" The lady asked. "Geoffrey has to stay here for two weeks, dad had to stay for three. And mom and grandpa haven't woken up yet." Alex said. "Well, What are you doing are for? Go see your father and Geoffrey!" The lady said. Alex smiled a bit and nodded. "Oh, but before you leave." "Yes?" Alex asked, her hand in the door knob. "Is Penn by any chance with you?" Alex nodded. "Call him over. I need to talk to him in private." Alex nodded. "Okay. See you later." She said, quickly walking over and hugged the only woman and left the room.

"So. How did it go?" Jack asked as he and the trio got up from their seats. "Fine. But granny wants to talk to Penn." Alex said. Penn raised an eyebrow. "Really? Why?" "I don't know. She just does." Alex said. "Okay then. See you guys later." Penn said, walking to Mary Ann's room while Alex walked over to her dad's and Geoffrey's. He gently knocked on the door. "Come on in." The old lady said. Penn opened the door and walked inside the room. "You wanted to see me, ma'm?" He asked, walking over to the bed. "Yes, and please call me Mary Ann." She said with a sweet smile. "Okay then, Mary Ann. Can I help you out with something?" Penn asked.

Mary Ann sighed. "Well, my dear. I fear that I'm not gonna be here for much longer." She said. "What? What are you talking about?" He asked. "Dear, I just had a heart attack, have cancer, and I am in my 80s. I'm bound to leave soon." Mary Ann said. "Okay, you have a good point." Penn said, scratching the back of his neck. "Now. Penn, how much do you really love Alexandra?" The old lady asked. "A lot. More than anything." Penn said, still a bit confused to where she was leading to. He then saw that she took off a ring from her finger. "Give me your hand dear." She said. Penn obliged and stuck out his left hand. A ring was plopped there. Penn looked at her with wide eyes. "Now dear, I need you to promise me something." She began. "What is it?" He asked. "When you and Alex grow up to great, successful adults, I want you to propose to her with this ring. This ring was given to me by my grandmother, and I intended to do that with Alexandra. But, I gonna need you to do it for me. I know how much you love my granddaughter, Penn Zero. I know that you will do anything to keep her safe and happy. Can you promise me that you will pop the question in the future with this ring?" Penn stared for a second until he gave the old lady a smile, his eyes shining with determination and confidence. "I promise." He said. "Good. Now go off, my dear. I bet you and Alex are beat." The old lady said. Penn chuckled softly and nodded. "Just a bit." He said. "Goodnight." "Goodnight." And with that, he left the room, the ring now hidden in the pocket of his pants.

"So. How did it go?" Boone asked as Penn came back walking. "It went well." He said. Penn looked around and saw that Alex wasn't here yet. He sat down and quickly pulled the ring. The other three gasped. "That's Mary Ann's ring!" Jack said. "I know. She want me to propose to Alex in the future with it." Penn's said. "Woah." They said. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" Penn asked his friends. "We won't, right boys?" Sashi asked, giving the other two a threatening look. They nodded rapidly. Penn chuckled and put the ring away. Penn turned around to see Alex walking back to them. "Hey. How did it go with your dad and Geoffrey?" Boone asked. "Pretty well. How about you? What did granny talk to you about?" Alex asked her redhead boyfriend. He nodded. "It's nothing. You'll see later on." Penn said with a smirk.

"So. Where are we supposed to stay?" Jack asked. "Well. We called our parents and the said that Alex can stay with me and Jack can stay with Boone." Penn said. The two first mentioned teens nodded.


Alex walked out of the bathroom of the Zero house.

Penn's aunt and uncle were kind enough to allow Alex to stay with them for the week. They have set up a sleeping bag in Penn's room. Of course, the two adults said not to do anything inappropriate while sharing the room. Both teens laughed it off, saying that they were WAY too young to have sex. Alex walked in the room to see the boy sitting on his bed wearing a blue pj shirt and blue flannel pj pants. "Hey." She said. "Hey." He said. He smirked at her. "Never thought that you were a nightgown person." He said. She giggled. "Oh shush you." Alex said. "But, um. Thank you for letting me stay here." She said. "No, problem. Couldn't just leave you alone." He said. They shared a smile.

Alex sat down in the floor. "Well. Goodnight." She said, getting into the sleeping bag. "Goodnight." Penn said, going into the covers of his bed. About a minute went in by. Then, the girl couldn't take it anymore. "This is going to sound weird, but can I sleep with you?" She asked, her back facing him. "Sure." Penn said. Alex got out of the sleeping bag and climbed onto the boy's bed. The two teens laid down and the redhead wrapped his arms around her. Alex nuzzled her head against Penn's chest. "Goodnight. Love you." She said before going to sleep. Penn smiled sweetly and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight. Love you too." He said and he fell asleep to.

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