The Party & What?!

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"Can't believe you, granny and Penn convinced me to go to this." Alex said to Jack as they made their way downstairs.

There was going to be a party at school tonight, for what, Alex didn't know. She didn't plan to go to this party, but her boyfriend Penn, and Jack kept insisting that she should go. Tired of the constant asking, more from Jack than Penn, Alex finally relented. And she had a good reason not wanting to go. She wanted to make sure that her grandmother was okay. Her health was getting slightly worse. But upon hearing this reason, Mary Ann insisted as much as the boys did to go to the party. "I don't want to be the reason you don't get a slow dance from that boy! So please go. For granny." The old woman had said. So, to please her grandma, Alex agreed.

"Well, you need to kick back for a while, Alex. Come on, let's have some fun!" Jack said, putting on a bomber jacket. "Okay! Just give me a moment." She said. She placed the necklace she wore for her first date with Penn around her neck. "Okay then, let's go." She said. "Have fun you two. Remember, don't come back to early. Enjoy the night. It's a Friday! Just, don't come back super late. You'll be grounded if you do so." Mary Ann said. Alex's parents and grandfather went off to do something. They didn't tell the kids where but Mary Ann did, But she wouldn't say anything. So, the old lady was in charge of the two 14 year olds.

"Okay. But are you sure you'll be okay alone, granny?" Alex asked. "Of course! Now go." She said, pushing her granddaughter and her friend out the door. "Well, you heard grandmother dearest, let's go!" Jack said, walking and pulling Alex with him.

The two arrived at MCHS in fifteen minutes from their walk.

They entered the halls and walked over to the gym, where the party was held. "We got to P. A. R. T. Why? Cause we gotta!" Jack said. Alex chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Let's just go inside, okay." Alex said. Jack nodded and pushed the doors open. A bunch of students were dancing. Jack pulled Alex into the gym and the doors closed behind them. Alex saw Sashi doing a very impressive Irish dance and Boone doing the robot. Jack walked over to Boone and began doing the robot with him. Alex giggled and took a photo of the two boys dancing and sent it to Sashi and Penn's phones.

Across the other side of the gym, Alex saw Larry doing the wormy dance, with Penn watching. She couldn't hear him, but she thought that he was complementing the man. He looked up and saw Alex and he smiled widely. He began walking over her, or should I say, dancing over to her. Initially, Alex panicked a bit upon seeing Penn dancing with another girl, but then hearing him say: "Sorry, Matilda. Already taken.", she calmed down. She saw the girl, Matilda, give a sad smile and nodded. He eventually walked over to Alex. "Hey! You actually made it!" He said. She nodded. "Granny insisted. You know what they say: Happy grandma, happy life." Both teens laughed at that. Penn then smirked at her. Alex instantly knew what he was thinking. "No. Don't you dare, Zero! Don't you dare!" She said, trying to back away. Penn put an arm around her wait and pulled her closer. "Too late!" He said.

Alex shrieked in surprise as Penn pulled her closer, and the next thing she knew what was doing, she and her boyfriend were doing the salsa!! "You never struck to me as a dancer." She said as the redhead dipped her. "Well my dear, I am full of surprises." Penn whispered softly to her, sending a chill down to her spine for a second. He pulled her up and suddenly, a song very familiar to the brunette British girl began to play.

"Something in the way she moves.
Attracts me like no other lover."

Alex looked at her lover with a bright smile as the swayed back and fourth.

"Something in the way she wood me.
I don't wanna leave her now.
You know I believe and how.

Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how.

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