And... It's A Crush

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"Well. I should get going." Alexandra said as she and Penn walked downstairs.

After about a hour of practicing, they called it quits for the day. "Hey, um. How about if I walk you over there? I don't want you getting hurt." Penn offered, grabbing the black leather jacket that was hanging on the couch. "I can handle myself." Alex said. "Come on. Let me do this for you. Please?" He asked. Alex smiled and giggled. "Okay fine." She said. "Sweet. Aunt Rose. Uncle Chuck. I'll be back in 40." Penn called out. "Okay you two. Be careful." Rose called back. Putting on the leather jacket, Penn led Alex outside and they began walk to the Hamilton residence.

"The stars look beautiful tonight." Alex said, looking at the sky. "Yeah. They sure do." Penn said with a smile. He looked over to the girl. "Are you okay, Alex? You look a bit anxious." Penn asked in concern. "Oh! Sorry. It's just that I'm worried about Jack." She said. "You mean your friend from DC?" He asked. She nodded. "You see, Jack is coming out of the closet as gay to his parents tonight." "That's nice." "Yes. But it has been about a hour since he said that. And he hasn't said anything." Alex said. "Hey. I'm sure Jack is fine." Penn said giving her a reassuring smile. And then, at that moment, Alex's phone rang. "Beatles as a ringtone? Cool." Penn said. Alex giggled as she saw that it was Jack. "Finally." She muttered and accepted the call.

"Hi Jack!" Alex greeted happily. "A-alex." She heard Jack say with his voice cracking, followed by a sniffle. Alexandra's smile deflated, and this didn't go unnoticed by the boy next to her. "Jack? Hey, bud. What's wrong?" She asked in concern. "I told my parents that I-I'm g-g-gay. They... they want to throw me out of the ho-hou-house!! They don't accept it." Jack said and began crying. "What?" Alex asked in shock. Penn gave her a look as to ask what was happening. Pressing the phone against her shoulder, she responded. "Jack's parents want to throw him out of their house for being gay." She whispered. Penn's eyes widened. "What?!" He whisper shouted. "Jack! Calm down. When are they throwing you out?" Alex asked. "Their dumping me after school tomorrow. Alex! I don't k-know what t-to d-o-o-o." "Jack, dear. It's going to be okay." Alex said. "Alex? Is there a w-way I can go to y-you?" "Yes. Of course. I will make sure a family jet picks you up. I'll just let my parents know about it." Alex said. "Thank you so much, Alex! I owe you." Jack said. "You owe me nothing, Jack. I will see if we can get the jet for you to arrive in the morning." Alex said. "Thank you. See you soon." "Okay. See ya." Alex said and hung up.

"So. What's gonna happen to Jack?" Penn asked. "He's going to stay with me." Alex said, letting out a sigh and rubbing the pinch of her nose. "How could they? Jack is their only son! Their only child! They should support and take care of him! Not throw him out to the streets!! Just because he likes boys, doesn't mean he's no different!!" Alex yelled out in anger. "I know, Alex. I know. I'm just as mad as you are. But yelling isn't gonna solve anything." Penn said. Alex sighed and nodded. There was a buzz from her phone and it was a text message from her mom.

Mom: Alex. We heard about Jack. He emailed us. We already have the jet on it's way.

Alex: Thank you mom. Should be home in ten. Let you know if anything comes up.

Mom: Okay. See you soon. Bye.

Alex: Okay. Bye.

"Well. Jack emailed my parents and they sent the jet." She said. "Sweet." He said. They both were in silence for a while. Alex look at a alleyway and for a sec, she thought that she saw something. "What's wrong?" Penn asked. "Nothing. Just thought I saw something." Alex said. "Like what?" He asked. "I don't know. It looked like someone. A woman perhaps." She said. "Look, I'm sure it's nothing, let's keep walking." The brunette said and kept walking. Penn looked at the alleyway for a second before  catching up to the telekinetic girl.

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