She's Got The Voice

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Art class turned out to be quite nice. Despite Rippen and Troy being there.

The class eventually ended. Alex now has her third class, which is PE. Now, she didn't have the class with anyone she knew, but on the bright side, no Troy! The school had provided Alex with a PE uniform. Alex admit that the uniform looked rather ugly, but she wasn't one to complain. After going into the locker room and changing into the uniform, the brunette went to the gym with the other students. Class was actually ok. Granted, the teacher was sucking at his job, but Alex had her fun. They did the usual stretches, and the coach made them run a relay race out in the tracking field. Eventually, class ended and Alex changed back into her normal clothing.

She exited the locker room to see Penn waiting for her. "Hey. How was PE?" Penn asked as they walked to the cafeteria, for it was lunch time. "Good actually. Sure, the coach was... mediocre, but it was fine. How was Biology?" Alex asked. "It was fine. Though they're already talking about the semester project." He said. "That sucks." "I know!" They both laughed as they entered the cafeteria. They walked over to the table where Sashi and Boone were. "Hey guys." Alex said as they sat down. "Hey guys. How was PE, Alex?" Sashi asked. "It was good." Alex said. She opened her bag and took out... "Spinach Puffs?" She asked out loud as she took out the canister of said spinach puffs.

"Dang, those look good." Boone said. "Yeah. Never had one though." Alex said. She opened the canister and took a bite out of one. "Damn. This is good." She said. "Why do I feel like watching Disney movies? Seriously, why?" Penn asked, making the others laugh. "So. What class do you have after this?" Penn asked. "Music. What about you guys?" "Same." Penn said. "I have history class with Sashi." Boone said. Alex nodded. About minutes later, the bell rang. "See you guys later." Alex said as she and Penn stood up. "See you later, guys." Sashi said.

The two walked over to the music room and sat down next to each other. After roll call, and asking Alex to introduce herself, the teacher went on with the lesson. Eventually, the teacher said that she had to pick up some stuff from the teachers lounge and said that she would be back in five minutes. So, the students just hanged around. No one except Penn even noticed that Alex was walking to the piano. The girl sat down and pressed a few keys, causing the students to shut up. Alex seemed to pay no attention to them and plays the piano and began to sing.

"Talking to myself and feeling old.
Sometimes I like to quit, nothing ever seems to fit.
Hanging around. Nothing to do but frown.
Rainy days and Mondays always getting me down.

What I got they used to call the blues.
Nothing is ever wrong. Feeling like I don't belong.
Walking around. Some kind of lonely clown.
Rainy days and Mondays always getting me down."

Penn was amazed. He had never heard a voice that beautiful in all of his life. And he actually really did like this song. Alex looked to be at ease while playing the piano and singing. Heck, Penn couldn't stop staring at her. That voice complemented her beauty perfectly. He sighed and smiled at the pretty girl in front of him. "Wait. Did I just call her pretty?" He thought to himself. But Penn was certainly not going to deny that fact. Alexandra Hamilton was pretty. Really pretty. He felt a pinch of pink go up to his cheeks. Penn's eyes widened and he shook his head. "Get it together, man." He said to himself.

"Funny, But it seems that I wind up in here with you.
Nice to somebody loves me.
Funny, but it seems that it's the only thing to do.
Run and find the only who loves me.

What I feel has come and gone before.
No need to talk it out, we know what it's all about.
Hanging around. Nothing to do by frown.
Rainy days and Mondays always getting me down."

Alex's fingers moved swiftly as she did a tiny piano solo. She looked up for a second and saw that Penn was smiling at her. "Keep going." He mouthed. She nodded and presented her attention back to the instrument in front of her.

"Funny, But it seems that it's the only thing to do.
Run and find the one who loves me.

What I feel had come and gone before.
No need to talk it out, we know what it's all about.

Hanging around. Nothing to do but frown.
Rainy days and Mondays always getting me down.

Hanging around. Nothing to do but frown.
Rainy days and Mondays always getting me down."

Alex looked up from the piano and saw the entire class clapping and cheering for her. She blushed. This was her first time singing in front of people. "Thank you." She said. "That was fantastic, dear!" The teacher said from the doorway. "Thank you, ma'm." Alex said and went back to her seat. "That. Was amazing!" Penn said, still smiling at her. "Thanks. That was my first time singing in front of a crowd." She said. "Really? You made it look like you were accustomed to it." Penn said. "Thanks." She said.

"Well class. That was a good performance. Which leads me to give you all your first project." The teacher said. The students, including Penn and Alex, groaned. "Oh come on. Lighten up, will you?" She asked. Alex snickered. "Anyways, The project is very simple. You and a partner will have to do a cover of a sing of your choice. You and your partner will present on the 30th of September. Now, I will be choosing your groups for you." And so, the teacher began to read off from a list.

Alex drifted off for a bit. "And finally, we have Alexandra Hamilton and Penn Zero." The teacher said. Penn and Alex smiled and fist bumped. The bell than rang. "Okay, class. Have a nice day." She said. The students got their stuff and walked out. "Okay. So we have two weeks to do this. I say that we should get started today." Alex said as she and Penn walked down the halls. "Hey um. I have a part time job to get to. Can we meet up around 6?" Penn asked. "Sure. Where though?" She asked. "How about my place at six? Here is the address." Penn said, sending the address to his house via through text. "Yeah. I'll just let my parents know and I shall see you there." Alex said as they made their way outside.

Alex saw the limo. "So. See you later?" She asked him. "Yeah. See ya later." Penn said as he walked over to Sashi and Boone. They waved at Alex. Alex waved back at them as she saw them leave. She walked over and climbed onto the limo. "Good afternoon, Madam Alexandra. How was school?" Geoffrey asked as he began to drive. "It was nice actually." She said. "Good to hear. Also, he seems like a nice fellow to date." He said. Alex blushed. "Penn's just a friend, Geoffrey." She said. "Okay. If you say so." Geoffrey said with a smirk. Alex sighed and looked out the window.

"He's a friend. Only a friend. But, he is a cute friend."

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