And We're Off!!

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It was three am in the Zero residence and there was a knock on the door.

"It's three am. It is 3. In the freaking morning! Who is at my house at 3 in the morning?!" The redhead thought to himself as he got up from the bed and walked downstairs to the door. He opened to door the door to see a smiling Alex who was wearing a jacket over her nightgown, and an annoyed Jack who was also wearing his pjs and a jacket. "Alex? Jack?" He asked drowsily. "Hi!" Alex said. "I apologize for Alex. But she insisted that we tell you now." Jack said. "Can it wait till-" "I found out where my powers came from!!" Alex interrupted the redhead. Now, Penn was awake as his eyes widened. "I'll make the cocoa." He said.

The three kids were now sitting on the couch, each having a cup of hot cocoa in their hands.

"Okay. Tell me everything." Penn said after taking his sip of his drink. "Okay! So when my mom was in college, she participated on this experiment that involved finding a cure for AIDS. The experiment happened and no one got hurt, thankfully." Alex took a sip. "But, apparently, something happened to my mom. That time, she met my dad. They fell in love, graduated, and got married. When my mother became pregnant with me, the doctor told her to go to the lab where the experiment. The lab told her that when the thing happened, something went to her blood and that I would get the telekinetic powers. And so, when I was born, in order not to sue them, my parents made some of the workers there teach me how to control them." She said.

"Wow. So that experiment that your mom was part of, that was the reason why you got your powers?" Penn asked. Alex and Jack nodded. "Anyways, Mom said that we're actually going to DC this Friday night to visit the lab this weekend, since we have no school on Monday." Jack said. "And our parents said that you can come along with us." Alex said. "Really?" Penn asked. "Yeah! So, what do you say?" Alex asked. "Hmm. I'll have to ask Aunt Rose and Uncle Chuck. But, yeah! I'd love to." Penn said. "Ah! Thank you!" Alex said, hugging him. Penn smiled and hugged back. "Now. Can we please go back home and get some sleep?" Jack asked. "Okay fine! See you tomorrow!" She said.

The pair shared a quick kiss and the Hamilton siblings left the house. Putting the cups of cocoa away, Penn went back to his room, thankful that his aunt and uncle were both heavy sleepers. He climbed back into his bed and fell asleep, remembering to ask his aunt and uncle permission to go Washington DC with his girlfriend and her family when the get up.

They said yes!!

It was now Friday, 6:35pm. The five heroes were standing in front of the Odyssey, with Alex, Jack and Penn waiting for the limo to pick them up. The redhead had a a large duffel bag with him. "So. We'll see you all on Monday night?" Sashi asked. "Yep." Jack said. "Stay sage you guys." Boone told them. "Relax Boone. We'll be fine." Penn said. The five shared  a group hug before the limo came over. "See you all later." Alex said as the three kids went over to the limo and got on. Sashi and Boone waved at them and the trio waved back.

It was a fifteen minute drive from the run down movie theater to the airport. After about one hour of bag checking and going through security, they finally were able to get into the plane. "I call window seat!" Alex said, making the two boys groan. So, Alex took the window seat, Penn took the middle, and Jack took the last one, while Alex's parents took the row in front of them. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is currently 8:13pm. We are expecting to arrive at Washington DC at around 11:25pm. Thank you for choosing United Airlines." The pilot said.

And so, the plane took off and the teens were in the air. They opted to watch a movie. The did arrive at the time that they were supposed to, with the three of them struggling to stay awake. After grabbing their bags, the group grabbed their bags from the airport and walked out into the rather cold air of Washington DC. "Home sweet home." Alex said. "Wait. Where are we even staying anyways?" Penn asked. "I managed to rent a penthouse." James said. "Isn't that too much?" Anna asked her husband. "Absolutely not! Now let's go, shall we?" They got a taxi and drove over to a really neat hotel. They checked in and took the elevator to the 10th floor. Upon entering the penthouse, the children were amazed by the size of the place.

Five bathrooms, six bedrooms, a huge ass kitchen and living room, and each room had a balcony. "Okay, So what do you children..." James stopped himself as he saw the three kids walk to a bedroom. "Goodnight!" They shouted. Alex and Penn gave each other a quick peck before retreating to their rooms. The redhead walked to the bed, changed into his pjs, got out his phone and told his aunt and uncles that they had arrived, plugged it to the charger, and finally flopped into the bed and fell asleep.


Alex went through the same stuff her boyfriend did. Only, it was much quicker thanks to her powers.

Speaking of which, she was happy that she and her family finally got an answer to this. With the lab calling her mother to tell her the news and that they should come over, it felt nice to be back in DC. She had missed the place. It was where she spent the majority of her childhood. Alex laid on the bed, pulled the covers on top of her, and fell asleep. Of course not without her imagining that she was asleep in Penn's arms.


As much as he had missed his home state, Jack was a bit nervous.

He wonder if he would run into the family that kicked him off. When his biological parents heard of the adoption, they begged with Anna and James to give Jack back to them, that they were sorry and they wanted him back. But, of course, the couple refused and that they would settle this in court. Plus, both Alex and Penn promised that they would kick the biological parents' butts for him if the every had to. Jack sighed and fell onto the bed and fell asleep.

The three teens could never guess all the crap that would happen to them the next day.

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