The Kobayashis

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(Seriously! I have a problem. I keep writing about this episode. I probably need help!)


It was a regular Friday afternoon.

It was around 4pm, and Penn and Alex were hanging out. The couple were at the Hamilton mansion, and they were in Alex's bedroom. And, they were making out. Penn was leaning against the various pillows, while Alex sat on his lap. The two young lovers kissed each other intensely as 'Come and Get Your Love' by Redbone was playing around the room. "So. What's the plan for tonight?" Alex asked. "Don't know. Wanna watch a movie or something?" The redhead as he leaned and kissed the brunette's neck gently. "Mmm. That sounds nice." She moaned. "Also, make sure to not leave a love mark." "I won't. Promise. You dad will have my head if I do and I want to keep my head, thank you very much." He murmured, still kissing the girl's neck. Alex giggled.

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. Both teens stopped kissing and sat up. Penn gave them both some comic books he found in the desk and they both leaned against the pillows, pretending to read. "Come in." Alex said. The door opened to reveal Jack. "Relax. Just me." He said, entering the room. Both Penn and Alex sighed in relief. "Do you need anything?" Alex asked her brother. "We have a visitor." He said. Then, another person entered the room. It was a girl with firey red hair and wore a white hoodie, blue jean shorts, and white converse sneakers. "Sally!" Both lovers said. They got up and hugged the girl, who hugged them back. "Hi." She said. "What are you doing here?" Penn asked. "Coming back from a trip to California. I happened to be around the neighborhood." She said as the four kids made their way to the bed.

"So. What have you all been up to?" Sally asked. "You know, saving the multiverse. The usual." Penn said. "Cool. Anyways, Alex. Why didn't you tell us that your dad was going to be in the Queen biopic?" Sally asked. The brunette shrugged. "Wanted it to be a surprise." She said. "How are the others?" Jack asked. "They've been good. How about you? How are you doing with your powers?" She asked Penn. "Really well actually." Penn said, snapping his fingers and giving each of them ice cream. "Cool." "Anyways. We're you two just kissing?" Jack asked, causing Sally to laugh. The young couple blushed deeply. "I'll take that as a yes." The lighting powered girl said with a smirk.

Suddenly, Jack's phone rang. "Hey Boone. What's up?" He asked. "Are we free tonight?" Jack asked out loud, gaining nods from the couple. "Yeah. We're free. Why do you ask? Oh. Really? You'd think she tell us. Okay, what time? 7:30, okay. Hey, um. Is it okay we bring a friend. She's from the lab and she's visiting, so. Oh. Okay. Cool. See you later." Jack hanged up. "Well?" Sally asked. "Okay. So Boone says we're apparently invited to this party at Sashi's place." Jack said. "Sashi's?" The couple asked. "The scary ninja girl sidekick, right?" Sally asked, getting a nod. "Why?" Alex asked. "Don't know. So... should we go?" "Yeah. Let's go. 7:30 right?" Penn asked. Jack nodded. "Wanna come Sally?" "Yeah. I'd love to." She said.

"Okay then. Let's party at the Kobayashis."


They met up with Boone around 7:30 as promised and Boone met Sally, who became good friends. As they got closer to the apartment, Alex still had her doubts. "This is still very fishy," she mused. "Sorry," Boone replied. "I brought that can of picked fish again!" "What? No! I mean, why are we here?" The brunette asked. "I told you! Sashi invited us!" He waved a piece of paper under her nose. Alex pushed it away. Penn frowned as he took the said "invitation" from Boone and they walked towards the door with a "Congratulations George!" banner over it. "I get Alex, though. It's just weird, is all. Sashi always keep sfamily stuff private and then all of a sudden she invites us to her brother's party?" Boone smiled. "Weird right?" Jack looked over at the invitation himself. "Wait...this looks a lot like your handwriting on the invitation. And then it's signed Boone, but then someone crossed it out and wrote Sashi, and then misspelled Sashi!" At this, Boone just smiled. "What the hell man?" Sally asked, crossing her arms.

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