Trading Faces

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It was your average day in Middleburg Central High.

The part time heroes were hanging out in the entrance, having about half an hour before school starts. "Man, we are awesome! I mean, yesterday's mission was so easy." Jack said. "Yeah. But the key is to work together." Alex said. "By the way, how's the movie going?" Boone asked the brunette. "Good. I heard that they're filming the scene where Freddie tells Mary that he's bi." Alex said. "Cool. When's the movie coming out again?" Penn asked. "At the end of the school year. On our last day of school actually." Alex said. "And we're invited to the premiere, right?" Sashi asked and Alex nodded. "Hi, guys!" A voice said. They all turned around to see a group of people that Penn, Alex and Jack recognized.

Damian Grant, Kim Pines, Peter Quinton, Tony Sinclair, John Connor, Henry Jones, and Stephen Brown. And behind them was Matt Carpenter. "What?! What are you guys doing here?" Penn asked in shock. "Visiting. So, are you gonna hug us or not?" John asked. The three kids chuckled and went over to hug the group of newcomers. "Hi! How are you?" Kim asked, hugging Alex. "I'm great. You?" "Good. Finally asked out Peter. He said yes." "Yes! You go girl!" Alex cheered. "Jack, my man. How are you? Did you asked you know who yet?" Stephen asked. "No." Jack said. "Well you need to do it sometime." The shadow manipulater said. "I know, I know." Jack said. "So, Frost. How are things between you and Alex?" Damian asked the redhead iced powered boy. "Pretty well. Still saving the multiverse." Penn said. "Oh yeah. Sally told us that you needed two more shards to save your parents." Henry said. "Make that one. We found the second shard about two week ago." Jack said. "Holy shit! That's incredible!" Matt said. He then looked at Sashi and Boone. "Guess those are Sashi and Boone?" "Yep. Our sidekick and wiseman." Alex said.

"Guys. These are our friends from the lab." Penn said. "Damian Grant. Your friendly neighborhood pyro." The black hair kid said. "Kim Pines. Healing powers." The girl said. "Henry Jones. Wind powers." The fat kid said. "Stephen Brown. Shadow manipulation. Watch." Stephen put his hands up and suddenly Matt was doing the Macarena, before doing the wormy dance. "I Hate you." Matt said. "Love you to, mom." Stephen said. "John Conner. Super speed." John said. "Tony Sinclair. Telepathy." Tony said. "Peter Quinton. Invisibility." The brunette boy said. "Matthew Carpenter. But people call me Matt." Matt said. "Matt here was our tour guide." Alex informed. "Nice meeting you." Sashi said. "What's up dudes." Boone said. "So. Why are you all here?" Penn asked. "We came to visit. So, we are shadows of you guy for the school day." John said. "Cool! We should get going. We should show you around." Jack said. "Well, contact me if something happens. Have fun and don't do anything stupid." Matt said, waving them off. "We'll be fine mom." Penn said. "And don't call me mom!" The kids laughed as they entered the school.

"So, Boone. Random question. Is there anyone you like? As in, you have a crush on someone?" Damian asked. "Well... promise you won't say anything?" Damian nodded. "It's Jack." Boone whispered. "Really? Why?" "I just do, okay." "Okay, Okay. Well, I say you go for it before it's too late. You might never know." Damian said. "You're right. I'll do it after school." Boone said in confidence. Damian patted him in the back. "You go, my man." He said. He then walked over to Kim and Tony. "Well?" Tony asked. "It's a yes." The pyro said. Kim smiled and squealed. "Alright, guys. Time for Art class." Jack said. "Wait. Isn't that the guy who's the part time villain teaches?" Henry asked Penn who nodded. "Okay then. Defenses high. Just in case." Kim told the boys who nodded.

They all entered the class room to see Rippen looking at Matilda's painting of her and... Penn getting married? "Love it!" Rippen said. Matilda smiled and put the painting down to look at something else, only to look back to see the her picture was turned to ashes. "Thanks." Alex said to Damian via whisper. "No problem." Damian whispered back as he and Alex fist bumped. "Okay. That. Is weird." Jack said. "Yeah. Isn't Rippen the opposite of... happy go lucky?" Stephen asked as they all saw Rippen talking about owning a gravy boat and smiling. "Yeah. He is." Boone said. "That. Is one creepy smile." Kim added.

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