Larry Shippers (Part 2.5)

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Yeah, I get it. Larry shippers are the scum of the earth. We don't deserve to live, we're stupid and have mental issues. We're delusional and disgusting. Okay. Are you done now?

I am getting really, REALLY tired of people hating me just because I'm a Larry shipper. And not just me, countless other people are insulted and told to drink bleach and all of this other horrible stuff. Oh, and my favorite by far has to be 'Larry shippers have ruined Louis and Harry's friendship, Larry shippers are breaking the fandom apart, they're ruining us. When the fandom falls, we know the Larry shippers are to blame.'

We didn't do anything wrong. Elounor shippers can ship Elounor and shove it down everyone's throats, and none of them get told to drink bleach, none of them get told that they're ruining the fandom. None of them are told they ruined a friendship.

And now people are blaming Larry shippers for all of the hate that Eleanor gets. From what I've seen (and what my friends have seen), it's actually not even Larry shippers that hate her. Mostly, we don't mind her at all. It's usually just random people that hate on her- not Larry shippers.

*kicks shelf* Rain doesn't know what she did wrong. *walks out*

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