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In MukeyMouse's story Daniel -and the sequel-, Michael is kinda girly. He likes tea parties and pink. In skittlesmalum's story Pay You With Love, Calum wears a pink sweater and wears mascara.

People were giving MukeyMouse and skittlesmalum shit for making Calum and Michael girly.

It's their story. Someone said -I'm paraphrasing- that they stopped reading Pay You With Love because of Calum wearing a pink sweater.

It doesn't make sense to me. You don't have to be rude about it, if you're gonna stop reading, just stop reading.

*rips sweater* Rain is done rn.

P.S: Most of these next few rants I wrote in 2014, so these are overflow from last year bc I'm overflowing with bullshit.

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