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I don't consider myself a "directioner". I used to, I did. But now the term morphed from 'a fan of One Direction' to 'complain that One Direction aren't the same any more and attack anyone who's a Larry shipper'. Granted not everyone does/did this, but in my experience the majority did/does do this.

There was a girl who attacked a Larry shipper, and then the Larry shipper was like 'wtf girl' and then the girl goes 'you're right, Directioners have to stick together'.

I'm jumping ship girl, why would I stick with you when your first reaction was to attack me? Why would I have your back when you quite obviously don't have mine? You shoot first and ask questions later/never, so no, I'm not 'sticking together'. You're on your own.

I don't want to be a directioner if it means they act like this. Which is why I don't consider myself a directioner, because the term has morphed so badly that all it does is wrongfully stamp my forehead with 'judgemental bitch'.

I am a judgemental bitch, but I think you get what I mean.

*listens to more fetus One Direction* also, screw you if you have a problem with Rain's music choices *cries over Jack Barakat bc spirit animal*

If you thought the rant was over, you were wrong. Technically this is a part 2, but who likes making 2 part rants? Not me, idk about other people tho but yknow

"larry stylinson? is BS. they don't like because they need a good reputation. They would not lie you know why? they are true to their fans.. True DIRECTIONERS don't think of Larry stylinson because its fake"

1. If I can't have my own opinion, then I don't want to be a directioner. You know who leads a group and forces them to all have the same opinion? Cult leaders, that's who. You're a cult leader.

2. -gonna be mad, excuse me- How dare you tell me if I'm a directioner or not. How dare you tell me what I can and cannot believe in. How dare you. How dare you tell me that because I believe in Larry that I'm not a directioner. Who put you in charge? Oh yeah, no one.

3. "They would not lie you know why? they are true to their fans" hahahahahahaha you're funny. Yeah, they lie to us. Don't even. They have Modest, for one thing, and for another, they're celebrities. All celebrities lie at one point or another. Now it might not be a bad/big lie, but yknow.

4. "they don't like because they need a good reputation." Okay, I'm really serious right now, I have literally never heard the words 'Larry is not real' come out of Louis' or Harry's, or anyone's mouths besides @Louis_Tomlinson's, and they only tweeted. Jesus and his grandmother knows that it's not only Louis who runs that account, if he does at all. So stop trying to use this as an excuse.

All people who hate Larry Stylinson: stop sounding so fucking offended when we suggest they're gay. Stop sounding like we just shot you. It's not a crime to be gay.

Get away from me.

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