Things I have Found In My Quotev History

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Lots of het.

Ziall, I went through a Ziall phase.

PlasticBeiber. Oh god, who remembers that?

A Cody Simpson fanfiction, what even...

A lot of Louis Tomlinson het fics..

A lot of create your own boyfriend quizes... I'm a lonely person.


.. A Justin Beiber het fic. -.-

Another het Beiber fic.

This is kind of a rant about my history because what th

Also, it's a rant about one of my old het stories.

I ahd a het story called 'The Worst Bully' and it was a One Direction het fic. It was horrible. -I dleted them oops-

I had the Harry girl accidentally hit Harry with her car, and it made me laugh because she goes 'oh my god, I just hit Harry!' and that made me snort.

What I find funny isthat people actually asked me to update and said 'I love this story' and that's making me die laughing because it's complete shit.

Old stories are just horrible and I can't keep talking about it bc I'm cringing.

*cringes* Rain regrets writing her old stories *needs food*

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