Self Harm In Relation To Abuse

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There was a man, a singer who I won't name to keep anonymity. When he had less of a following than he does now, he was friends with my friends' cousin. Let's call my friend P, her cousin C -bc that's what cousin starts with I'm so clever- and the man J. Now, C and J would talk through facebook and they kinda became friends. C introduced P to J, and J asked P for a video of her doing something that she wasn't comfortable doing on camera. So, naturally, she said no. And he kept trying to get her to do it, even though she said no multiple times. P told her cousin this, but her cousin said that J had asked her for the same type of video. P told her cousin how she was uncomfortable, and her cousin said something along the lines of 'oh, he tried to commit suicide once, so it's alright.' Basically, P's cousin was pitying the singer because of a suicide attempt and saying that the sexual harrassment was okay because he had tried to kill himself.

There was a youtuber named VeeOneEye, and as I've stated in a previous rant, he sexually harrassed multiple people. And when I tried to point this out, I got people telling me that 'you're going to trigger him to cut again' or 'when he cuts too deep, it's your fault' and things of the like. Protecting his sexual harrassment and saying what he did was alright just because he used to self harm isn't alright.

No matter what, sexual harrassment and sexual abuse is never okay.


And when you try to use self-harm and suicide as an excuse, that's not okay either, and I don't know why people think it is okay.

 I believe that self-harm and suicide shouldn't be a factor in the situation of sexual harassment and abuse because it's not relevant to the situation.

Does that makes sense?

*breaks pen* Rain is just ajshjaskl'asdkjl rn *crawls away*

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