Chapter 3:Before leaving exo

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at the school."this is our last day to this school i will miss you guys"raera says."i have an idea why dony we celabrate"xiumin says."at my house"chanyeol says . "i have a van come "raera says. "who will drive"lay says . "me i know how to drive it come on "

while in thier trip they stop to buy a black noodle"good evening 13 black noodle please take out "."sir take a sit for a while i just repeat your order 13 black noodle with drinks sir"." yes with drinks "."sir 10,000,000 won sir" . "hmm..D.O why are you very quiet"says chen . "i will just miss you all"."ahhh in chanyeol's house let's take a picture and im gonna print it "  ."good idea "says D.O . "now let's take a picture all together miss can you take us a picture. "of course sir 1,2,3, smile". "thank you miss"tao says . "ok let's go "kris says .while in their trip

they were having a joke and they are very happy .luhan saying it seriously to raera "raera do you have a boy friend".raera says "no i dont have " awkward ."do you ever have a boy friend"."no i dont have any " ."ahhhh..... ok thank you". "why luhan are you interested "baekhyun says and laughing . "yes im intetested and why".saying it very seriously.all of them were laughing they are so very very happy.

"ohh my cell phone is vibrating can you get it in my bag luhan " .

"okay. its choi" . "answer it and loudspeak it "

"hello!.choi says "yes what can i do for you" .

"umm....where are you". "we are celabrating are last day". "ahhh ok bye "

"who is that "luhan says"like jelous . "he's my friend since we are in elem. and high school . "ahh ok "

"ok ok we are here" chanyeol says

"umm... my girlfriend is going here if its ok "

baekhyun says. "yes its ok . come inside"

inside the house of chanyeol

"raera is that you"hyejae says."do you know her ". "omg hye jae how are you.yeah she is my best friend since we are child. your very pretty". raera says

"ok she is my girl friend hye jae"

"hey guys we are over night i will sleep now with hye jes"says baekhyun."im sleeping with D.O"xiumin says

"i am sleeping with yixing. "i will sleep with oppa. "i will sleep with umma. "im sleeping with tao" sehun says

"hey what is that sleeping"raera says

"you and luhan ate sleeping together"

they woke up 6:30 am

at 8:30 raera and xiumin will go to the united kingdom

"its 8:30 let's go raera"xiumin says

at the airport

"umm....raera keep this its my necklace dont sell it i will always love you bye ". "bye luhan bye all of you "xiumin says .raera hugs luhan and luhan kiss raera in the lips and say i love you , i will miss you , and a long kiss its a 10 seconds kiss and hug

"bye all of you bye luhan dont forget me " raera says

at the airport of u.k. at the u.k. the name raera is shin

"come xiumin we are going to our house because your mommy is living their"shin says ."why did you know"xiumin says . "my mom texted me come. taxi .go inside"

at the house of shin

"mom im here"shin says.her mom is very happy to see her "shin is that you .oh my god"." hi aunt is my mom here "xiumin asked ."yes she is in the kitchen"she is making cup cakes for you "says the mom of shin."mom how are you let's go home"xiumin says . "we dont have any house because your father sell it when you were in korea he sell it!!! "says the mom of xiumin ."xiumin it's alright from now you and your mom is living  here in our house "shin says . someone is buzzing the doorbell shin open the gate . "hi shin  do you still remember us hyun hee , elizha,chelle,rae soo .parkjae and choi". says hyun hee. "omg aren't you my elementary and highschool best friends . "yes we are we really missed you" saying  it emotional.

"come in and sit there im going to prepare your drinks " preraring a drinks."xiumin is that you " elizha says . "ohh guys what are you doing here "xiumin says."here's your drinks"shin says . "thank you "hyun hee says."we just want to say to xiumin that there is a audition area for korean just for boys"raesoo says to xiumin."i will audition tomorrow"xiumin says. "they need the very last one boy " parkjae says ."the other is here in u.k."choi says

"xiumin did you just see my necklace from luhan"shin says ."no i didn't see it why its missing"xiumin says .

"what is the name who gave your nacklace " elizha says . "luhan why"shin says . "it sounds famillar where did i hear it ohh in tv at the audition"elizha says. "what luhan is here"shin says.

"here is your nacklace shin"xiumin says . "xiumin.luhan is here"shin say it so very happy."what.luhan is here,the boy who gave you this, i will audition tomorrow at 6:30am"xiumin says.

"excuse me raera what time is it".chelle says

"its already 7:30 pm why"shin says . "we have to go bye thank you the drinks"choi says." bye have a safe trip"shin says . "come xiumin to our bedroom you don't want to be late to your audition tomorrow"shin says to xiumin.

in their bedroom

"how about your work in the filming a music video"xiumin says

"im free tomorrow i will be you supporter"shin says

"okay goodnight -_-zzzz"xiumin says . "good night sweet dreams -_-zzzzzzzz"shin says

at luhan's place in u.k.

"ohh my gosh raera is from here"luhan says

"ohh yes at the oxford at the 5th house in left side"lay says

"why did you know"kai says."she told me"lay says. "guys just sleep we are going tomorrow at the oxford for the last member of us"chen says

at the place of shin

"xiumin wake up go to bath now"shin says

"ohh what time is it "xiumin says ."umm.... its just 5:30 am"shin says."you scared me i thought it was 6:30 already"xiumin says very nervous

at the audition area

"next min seok"."hi im kim min seok you can call me xiumin for short ."how old are you."i am 25 years old the thrut im from Guri Gyeonggi Province in south korea thank you".what is talent singing or dancing"singing".he sing the open arms"

"hey are you in"shin says."dont know yet they say they will call me"xiumin says .shin's cwll phone is ringing "hello who is this"."ma'am shin they need you know"."why is their a client"."yes ma'am tomorrow at 8:45 am"."ok i will go bye "

"come xiumin we are going home"shin says

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