preparing for our date

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Its sehun and parkjae's date today . "Good morning parkjae"Raera greet . "Good morning too"parkjae . "Oh my gosh . Its your date today"chelle said. "Yes" parkjae said . "So where are you going two"raesoo asked . "I don't know"parkjae said . *knock*knock* . "Who's there" Raera asked. "Its your love" he said . "Who could he be" Raera said and open the door and see luhan . "Yeah he's your love"chelle teased . "What do you want"Raera asked . "I want you"luhan said . "Seriously" Raera said . "I want to ask you"luhan said . "What"Raera said coldly . "On a date tomorrow" luhan said . "Okay" Raera agreed . And luhan walker away . "You got to dress now"Raera said . "Raera don't change our topic"hyejae said . "No I'm not"Raera said . "Yes you are . But you're right you got to dress now"hyejae said . "Oh yeah . I need to g--"parkjae was cut off by Raera .  "I have a dress here you can borrow it"Raera said and pull parkjae to her dressing room . Raera handed parkjae a red dress and a pink high heels  . "Try that now"Raera said and went outside her dressing room . A minute later parkjae went out and she look stunning . 

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