Dating her

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"Uhm..guys I need to leave now" parkjae said . "You can't leave this time its already 10:50pm they might rape you "Kris said concerned . "Yah just sleep with me"raera said . "Okay"parkjae said . "Come . Follow me"raera said . ------next morning------
"Good morning raera"the boys greets . "Good morning too . Where is parkjae I didn't saw her in my room"raera greets too . "Uhm...I'm here I just went to the bathroom" parkjae said . "Okay did you cook breakfast D.O"raera said . "No I didn't I forgot I'm sorry"D.O said . "Its okay . Can you help me cooking"raera said . "Yes of course "D.O answered . "Come on"raera said . "What are we going to cook"D.O said . "Uhm...pancakes"raera said . "Okay let's cook now"D.O said . After 15 minutes the pancakes are done . "Guys let's eat"sehun said . "Okay sehun" raera said and sehun ignore raera . "Raera sit here please"luhan said . "Okay I will . I will just wash my hands"raera said . I sit on the middle of sehun and luhan after a minutes we are done eating the boys went to their room except for luhan who helped me at the house chores .

SEHUN AND PARKJAE's conversation at the balcony
"Uhm...parkjae can we go out on a date later"sehun said . "Yes of course what time"parkjae said . "Uhm.....later at 6:30pm"sehun said happily . "Okay see you I'm going now home now"parkjae said . "Okay I'll pick up you later wait me okay"sehun said
---------------the date--------------
They arrived in the restaurant . "Uhm....I'm ordering your special food"parkjae said . "Me too" sehun said

I will continue the date in the next chapter

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