going at the dorm

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They arrived in the airport 10:30 pm and its so cold . "Raera are you hungry" luhan said . "No,I'm alright"raera said . "Uh...our van is here"raera added . There's no fans because its night . "Hop in luhan I'm driving the car of exo-k bye"raera said . "But...can I ride with you"luhan said . "No you cant . Your manager will get angry we'll  see you at the dorm bye"raera said . "Hey lovebird stop that . Luhan go to your car we have to go see you" Suho said . "Okay bye Jagiya"luhan and raera said at the same time and they laugh . Raera sat down at the drivers sit . "Raera can you drive this"sehun asked. "Of course I can . Why don't you trust on me" raera said . "No, we trust on you " they said  . "Okay here we go" raera said and start the engine . After an hour they arrived at their dorm . Raera is waking up the exo-k members the exo-m is sleeping they arrived fast in here.  "Baekhyun,D.O,Suho,kai,Chanyeol,sehun we're here"I said softly and they waked up . "Go to your rooms now sleep well"raera said and they nod . "Good night raera", they said .
Raera went to the kitchen to drink milk to sleep properly after she drunk the milk raera went to her room and sleep

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