The Date with Luhan and Raera's birthday

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Its the day that Raera and luhan are dating . "Raera....wake up luhan is getting ready"chelle said while shaking the body of Raera . "Ready for what" Raera asked . "For your date" chelle said . "Oh....I forgot"Raera admit . "Just get up"chelle said . "Okay . I'm going to bath now"Raera said and run through the bathroom . "And picked a dress for you we'll going down now . If you need something we're here"chelle said . "OKAY"Raera yelled . After a minutes later Raera picked a sando and skater skirts and she have a color black jacket and she put a foundation , lip gloss , masscara and eyeliner (A/N: hahaha....eyeliner I remember baekhyun) . After she packed what she need she went down. "Raera is that you"Chen said . "Oh....did you just use my eyeliner haha joke you look beautiful now"of course baekhyun said. "Why am I ugly on the other day"Raera asked with a chuckle . "No he means that you look more beautiful now"Kris explained. "No I'm just joking"Raera said . "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met"luhan said . "I thought you said that its your ex is the most beautiful girl you've ever met" Chanyeol teased . "No she's not . Its Raera"luhan said . "Come on"luhan added while handing me his hands . "Okay . Guys see you later" Raera said . "Have a nice night guys"parkjae said and i smiled at her . We got inside the car while luhan is driving . On the other hands sehun and parkjae is saying the truth to their hyung's . "Guys are you two together" Chanyeol said . "Uh....yes we are"sehun said . " that true parkjae" Chen asked . "Yes its true"parkjae asked . "Wow as in wow" Chen said . While luhan and Raera is in the restaurant . "Jagi what do you want to eat"luhan asked . "Uh...anything you want"Raera said . "2 sushi and kimchi and an ice tea"luhan ordered . "Okay sir your order will be served later have a nice day"the waitress said and greet . After a minute talking luhan asked me where will be going after our eating . " Nam San tower"raera said and he nod after that our food came and Raera thank the waitress. We eat our food and went to Nam San tower . "Luhan . Hold my hand"Raera said . "Why . You're so protective"luhan said . "Yes of course I know you're scared of height and I don't want you to be scared because I'm here"Raera said while handing her hands to luhan . "Okay come on"luhan said and hop in the cable car . "Raera . Happy birth day"luhan said . " remembered . Thank you "Raera said . "Of course I remembered the birth day of my kind , beautiful , lovable , and sweet girlfriend "luhan said . "You're so cheesy"Raera said . "But...but its true" luhan said and we arrived in Nam San tower . "We're here "luhan said . "Are you hungry"Raera asked luhan . "Not really"Raera said . "Okay"luhan replied . "Uh...can we go to the locks"Raera said . "Alright . Come on"luhan said . "Yehet , Ohorat , Yaha . He he he"Raera said . "You copied sehun's words"luhan said while they're walking . "Oh.....kkaebsong"Raera said . "Now its baekhyun's word"luhan said . "I just love that words to pronounce "Raera said . "Okay . Do you want this couple locks" luhan said . "Yes I want it . Let's write on it"Raera said . "Okay"luhan said and pulled Raera to a table to write on the lock . Raera writes on the lock : (I wish I have a beautiful life with my work , friends , family , my SME family , my EXO family and specially my boyfriend) luhan writes on the lock : (I want Raera to be happy right now and forever . I want her to be happy for me and love me as a real family )

After they wrote on the lock they locked it on a Christmas tree . "Let's have a picture" luhan said . "Okay let's picture our locks too"Raera said . "One,two,three"luhan said and capture . "This is the best birthday ever with you"Raera said and kissed luhan's lips . "Woah"luhan said because he's shocked

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