Chapter 11:baekjae

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"bacon wake up"hyejae says."how many times do i have to tell you its baekhyun not bacon"baekhyun says."oh sorry wake up"hyejae says."ok i will go to the bathroom i will just brush my teeth"baekhyun says

"okay i will wait for you in down stairs"hyejae says .hyejae is cooking for their breakfast just for baekhyun and her ."haaaa.... good morning hyejae "raera says ."good morning too are you cooking too for the other members cause this food is just for me and baek" hyejae says.

"yes i will"raera says . baekhyun went at down stairs ."good morning raera" baekhyun says

"good morning too"raera says.

"baekhyun i cook bacon for you come and eat" hyejae says .baekhyun and hyejae eat well

"haaa......raera what are you cooking is that for me"luhan says."its pancakes for US "raera says ."ohh..okay"luhan says

the other members are awake and they eat well and baekhyun and hyejae is watching to the beautiful you that is their favorite movie

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