last kiss from her

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"Sehun Please don't ruin your friendship with luhan or my relationship from him I love him and I love you too but I love you as a friend" I said . "I won't ruin my friendship with him. I won't ruin your relationship with him . But I can't stop my self. I really love you . I will stop loving you but I will leave this dorm . If I just can leave this dorm" sehun said.  "Sehun you don't have to leave this dorm . *sigh* because I will leave this dorm I have a schedule . I'm going to china with exo-m for their concert and I have a meeting there .I will handle a new girl group"Raera said . "Ohh...okay I understand I still want to do this"sehun said and kissed me passionately . Raera want to end the kiss but she cant because sehun is pulling Raera he was so strong . After that long kiss Raera breath heavily . "I-i think that is my first and last kiss from you Raera" sehun said while catching his breath . "Why did you do that . I hate you...I hate you very much"Raera said and run away while crying

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