meeting a gorgeous girl

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I went outside I saw a girl smiling at me do I know her . "Hi sehun"she said . "Hi do I know you"sehun said . "Yes I'm parkjae silly sehun I'm the best friend of Raera . "Ohh...okay"sehun said . " didn't recognized me because you're drunk "parkjae said . " I'm not" parkjae said . "No I'm not"sehun said . "Ohh...come on sehun I'm driving you to your dorm . "Parkjae said . "Why"sehun said . "Because I'm going there too come on "park jae said and drive at the dorm . "Hello parkjae what are you doing here and why are you with sehun" Raera asked . "I just saw him drunk . And I tell him that I can drive him at here"parkjae . "Thank you " Kris said

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