good morning

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Sehun, Raera and hyejae went to bed and sleep . The next day . "Good morning guys is hyejae still sleeping" Raera said . "No I'm here at the kitchen" hyejae said . "Oh okay do you sleep well you too sehun did you sleep well" raera asked . "Yes I sleep well"sehun said . "Me too . Later again"hyejae said . "Okay I will make coffee again"raera said . "What are you talking about"luhan asked . "Uh...we talk and drink coffee after we went to sleep"raera said . "Oh okay can I join you later," luhan said . "Yes you can the more the happier" raera said and they eat their breakfast . D.O and hyejae cook it so its so very delicious . After  they eat they do their own things . Luhan and raera is watching at the YouTube of the exo's music award . "You're so very good at dancing" Raera compliment luhan . "Thank you. you're so beautiful"luhan said . "You're so cheesy . Don't do that I'm blushing"raera said and Kissee luhan on the cheeks

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