Girls talk

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Chelle go back to raera's romm after xiumin apologized to her . *knock * knock* . "Come in"Raera said . "Hi I'm back"chelle said . "What did you two talk about"Raera asked . "He just apologize to me"chelle said . "Oh....hi chelle"hyejae said . "Hi hyejae"chelle said . "I'm with raesoo and parkjae can we come in"hyejae said . "Yes . Come and sit"Raera said and they come in . "Uh....what to do"parkjae said . "Uh....truth or dare"Raera said . "Yeah . Let's play truth or dare" hyehae said . "I'm going to get a bottle for spinning"chelle said and went down to get a bottle . "What are you doing to the bottle"kai asked . "Secret bye"chelle said and run upstairs . "What's wrong with her"suho said . "I don't know"suho said . Back to the girls . "Okay I'm here"chelle said catching her breath . "Okay let's sit on the floor" raesoo said . Raera spin the bottle and it landed to hyejae and chelle . "I'm going to ask right"chelle said and they nod . "Truth or dare"chelle asked . "Truth"hyejae . "If you want a child how many and what gender" chelle asked . "Uh....I want 2 child and its a girl and boy"hyejae said . This time raesoo spin the bottle and it landed to raesoo and parkjae . "Yes . Truth or dare" raesoo ask . "Dare"parkjae said . "Uh....say yes to sehun in your date tomorrow if you don't you'll kiss him"raesoo said and they all laughed . "What . But--"parkjae was cut off by hyejae . "You'll kiss him right in front if us if you don't say yes"hyejae said . "But he don't like me"parkjae . "He like yo--"Raera was cut off by parkjae . "No he like you Raera. he like you"parkjae said . "You know parkjae he don't like me last week hyejae and me asked sehun if he like you and he nod shyly" Raera said . "Really"parkjae said . "Yes"Raera and hyejae said and they play and play until they're tired

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