Chelle and Xiumin

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Chelle and Xiumin is sitting at the couch in the exo dorm. "Jagi . Why don't we get married" xiumin asked. "Are you serious" chelle asked . "Of course not . I just want to see your reaction"xiumin said while laughing . "Its not funny"chelle said in a calm tone . Xiumin can't stop laughing so chelle yelled at him . "Its not funny xiumin . I SAID IT'S NOT FUNNY"chelle said and shout . "Jagi I'm sorry"xiumin said . "...."chelle don't answer him . "Guys why are you yelling"suho said . "Nothing its just an whatever "xiumin said . "Suho where is raera's room"chelle asked . "Why"suho said . "Because I'm going to sleep there" chelle said . "Yah right you're not going to sleep with me . I'm sorry jagi please forgive me"xiumin said but chelle ignore him . "Ah....upstairs with a color blue door"suho answered . "Okay thanks"chelle said and went to raera's room. *knock*knock*knock* . "Come in"Raera said . "Hi Raera can I sleep with you"chelle said . "Of course. Why did you and xiumim argued . I hear someone yelled is that you"Raera said . "Yeah all of you said its true"chelle said . "Okay we can share at the bed "Raera said . "Are you sure"chelle said . "Yeah I'm sure . I've always sleep with you when we are kids"Raera said and they talk and laugh

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