Chapter 21:wedding celebration

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Now is the wedding celebration they are eating laughing . "Kiss..kiss..kiss.." Chen said and the other agrees . Baekhyun kissed hyejae on the lips and they scream and laugh. "Yehet"sehun said . "Ahh...keabbsong" chanyeol said and pout we all laugh but someone break the noise baekhyun hear a familiar girl voice . "Hi guys are you happy"taeyeon said and here comes the silence I hate silence . "Hey....f*king guys did you hear me I said is anybody here"taeyeon said . "Yeah we hear you and don't call us a f*cking "chelle said . "Shut your f*cking mouth chelle"taeyeon said . "Why would I do what you said I'm not idiot like you I'm not a slut like you and I'm not a f*cking girl like you so shut your disgusting mouth" chelle said . "Chelle calm down" xiumin said . "Why would I calm down she is ruining they're wedding celebration" chelle said . "Yes I'm running it because I love running I want to ruin all if your happy wedding celebration and your happy life with her I'm gonna kill her at the right time right date and right place and good bye"taeyeon said . "Chelle here is water drink it cal down please" raera said . "Okay guys I will throw the bouquet" hyejae said and throw the bouquet guess who caught it its chelle . "Chelle got the bouquet I want it"chanyeol said . "Hahaha....who will be your bride"baekhyun said . "Huh... I had a bride and it will be SanDara park"chanyeol said

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