cupcake war

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Raera asked D.O to bake a cupcakes for them . So D.O agreed they bake chocolate cupcake with an chocolate icing and a strawberry cupcake with an vanilla icing .

"Guys its all done come here and eat"D.O said . "Okay we're there" baekhyun said . "Here cupcake for you"raera said while handing a chocolate cupcake with an chocolate icing . "Thank you babe"luhan said and eat the cupcake . "Can I have a kiss" luhan said and raera nod luhan close his eyes waiting for the kiss . Raera held a cupcake and push it to luhans lips . "Do you love it"raera said and luhan throw a cupcake at raera . "Its so embarrassing" luhan said . "Ouch what was that"raera said and begin a cupcake war . Raera throw a cupcake to luhan but raera didn't hit luhan raera hit baekhyuns face . "Mianhe!!!"raera said and baekhyun run towards raera and throw her at the face . "You want that let's begin the . Cupcake war"raera said and throw a cupcake to the exo members and hyejae

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