Chapter22: the visitor

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Luhan break the glass . "Luhan please be careful"raera said . "Sorry raera" luhan said . "Next time don't wash your hands if you are going to drink okay and please don't be clumsy and be careful" raera said and raised her voice . "Okay sorry . you have your visitor" luhan said and he is talking about men's . "Yes why" raera said . "Nothing"luhan said . "Okay im going to clean this and stop your fight" D.O said . "Thank you D.O oppa"raera said and stop their fighting . Luhan hugged raera at her waist . "Don't mind what happened before okay I just have the visitor" raera said . "Its okay Jagi I understand cause I love you more than you say"luhan said . "Cone on Jagi we are going to sleep"luhan said and carry mW bridal style and lay me on the bed and he joined. Luhan kisses raera passionately . "Luge can I borro-"baekhyun was cut off because he saw the two is kissing on the bed and luhan stop . "You can cone in now"luhan said and baekhyun comes in . "Sorry for disturbing you two"baekhyun said . "No its alright cone on sit"raera said and tapped in the bed to sit there . "No thanks just continue what you are doing"baekhyun said and he walked away and closed the door . "Hey guys raera and luhan is having an honeymoon but their still not married" baekhyun said to everyone . "I hear you baek"raera said while coming towards baekhyun . "Hehehe"baek said . "We are not having honeymoon because we are not married" raera said . "Sorry bye "baek said and run away and we all laugh

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