hyejae and sehun

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"Hyejae wake up "raera said while giving a big smile to hyejae . "What...is there is something wrong" hyejae said while panicking ."no there is no problem here read this"raera said and run downstairs . "Hi good morning can you go to the garden right now see you' wrote in the note. "Guys who wrote this"hyejae said . "We don't know"chelle said . "Just go to the garden now"xiumin says . "Okay I will" hyejae said and went to the garden . Hyejae went to the garden ."hello is anybody here"hyejae . "Yes....I'm here for you" sehun said. "Sehun....wait are you the one who wrote---"I was cut off when he nod . "Yes I am "sehun said . "Why do you write a note for me"hyejae said . "Because I love you and I want you to be mine right now" sehun said . "Can you"he added . "Yes of course  but I can't be with you I have a husband and he is your hyung"hyejae said . "Ohh...sorry I didn't remember goodbye" sehun said . "But...sehun we can be friends"hyejae said . "Okay"sehun said . Sehun walked away .
'I have to go away because. Baekhyun and hyejae will fight . And I am the reason of that' I mumbled to myself. "Sehun...sehun are you there"raera knocked on my door . "Yes why and what are you doing here"I said to raera . "I make a cupcake and hot chocolate like you do to me please ope--"raera was cut off because I open the door and pull raera in and dropped her in my bed . "Woah!!!!sehun what are you doing don't dropped me like that"raera said while sehun is eating like a pig . "Sehun slow down"raera said . "Shut your mouth and don't move just . Just sit there"i said angrily . "O-okay I will"raera said nervously . After I eat I sit on the side of raera . Raera is laying at my bed and sleeping . "Raera I have to say this .that note is not for hyejae. its for you I gave it to you because I don't want that you and luhan will break because luhan is my best friend and you are my best friend's girlfriend I can't tell to you this when you are awake because I know you will be hurt. So I just tell you to give it to hyejae I'm sorry"I said to raera while she is sleeping and I went to bathroom to take a bath

As I wake up I saw sehun is half naked his towel is around in his waist . "Sehun I will go now"I said . "No don't go just....no okay go away and thank you for the food"sehun said . "You're welcome bye"I said and went downstairs and his 11 members is staring at me while running down. "Jagi....where have you been" luhan said . "I've been at the room of sehun because I gave him a food"I said . "Okay...what took you so long"luhan asked again . "Luhan don't be angry if I tell it to you . I fell asleep on his room"I said honestly . "What!!!did you do something"luhan said . "No we didn't do anything I just fell asleep and---"I was cut off again because luhan kissed me . "Its okay Jagi I still love you and they will never do that to you because I am the only one who do it to you okay"luhan said and I nod and kissed him

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