Chapter 15:D.O and RAESOO

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"Suho did you see D.O"raesoo asked."no I didn't but he said that when I see you tell you to go to the park"suho answer."okay I'm going now bye suho oppa"raesoo said and she went to the park and saw a little girl.
"Hi honey are you lost"raesoo asked."yes I lost my umma can you hewp me pwease"the little said."okay first what's your umma's name"raesoo asked . "My umma's name is minhye"the little girl said . "Noona to you have a boyfriend" the girl asked."yes I have why"raesoo said." how dwid he looks"the little girl said." hmm...he is not tall but he knows how to.cook and his lips had a heart shape his eyes is big round and he is handsome" raesoo says."ohh...really"the boy said and raesoo turned around and saw D.O . "Ohhh...really why are you late"raesoo said angrily because D.O is late."miss is she your daughter" raesoo asked the crying girl . "Yes she is I thought I'm gonna loose you honey"the mother said while crying."noona helped me"the little girl said pointed at me ."thank you very much you Two will be a good parents too"the mother said thankfully . "You're welcome ma'am bye little girl bye "raesoo said . "Will be a good parents too"D.O said while cleaning the bench."here sit jagiya"D.O said."what do you you want anything"raesoo said."I don't want anything just you"D.O said while his hands is in raesoo's waist."you're so you want anything to eat"raesoo asked." Umm.....
I just want coffee "D.O said."come on were going to the café" raesoo said and they walked through the café hand-on-hand

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