Chapter 14: exo in Nam san tower

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Today is the rest day of exo they want to go to the Nam San tower" Guys are you ready to go"hye Jae"wait a second"chanyeol says."okay"hyejae says."okay guys I'm ready"raera says."c'mon" they says raera is in the exo-m van and heyjae is in the exo-k van. Before we are gonna arrived in the names an we need to ride the cable car.luhan is so very scared."luhan come on"raera says and hold luhan's hand and raera pulled luhan in

They arrived in the nansan tower raera and luhan went were the padlocks they put it in the place were they want luhan wrote

I will love you raera always.

Raera wrote

I don't like you luhan I love you and forever.

"Come on luhan your hyungs is looking for you"raera says raera and luhan went to the place were the other exo members are eating a tornado potato."hey guys can I have some"luhan says."no you can buy there"Kris says."just a bite"luhan says."luhan come we are gonna buy some"raera says luhan hold the hands of raera and buy some tornado potato."can I have some two tornado potato please"raera says."okay here it is"the boy says."thank you how much"raera says."10,000 won"the boy says raera give the money but luhan says."I will pay it what kind of boyfriend I am if I let you pay it sir here"luhan says you sit on the bench and eat after we eat the exo play hide and seek they are like kids

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