Chapter 13: can you be mine again

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luhan was very jealous because sehun and raera is holding each others hands luhan still have a feeling for raera. raera and sehun sit on the bench and talk they are laughing and giggling

after that luhan went to the bench were sehun and raera sit.

"hey guys"luhan says jealous.

"hey luhan where is tiffany"sehun says."she is just buying water"luhan says."can we go now to the mall sehun"raera says."okay come on luhan are you coming"sehun says."LUHAN"tiffany yelled."hi tiffany come and join us we are going to the mall"sehun says ."okay it will be fun if we join right" tiffany says happy.

they arrived in the mall.

"here we are" sehun says."are you hungry raera"sehun asked you."no not yet"raera says."why not yet" tiffany says ."because of the pancake and the hot chocolate sehun make for me"raera says ."sehun you know how to cook you are very sweet you are a cute couple"tiffany says."umm...D.O teach me to cook and we are not already couple"sehun says.

"What not already I'm not going to fall in love with you because I am joke" raera says . "Come on let's eat"luhan says . Shun and tiffany lost raera luhan and raera is together raera and luhan sit down at the food court and the media are in there they keep asking luhan if we are dating together


Raera and luhan are friends now "raera can you be mine again"luhan asked and he kissed raera in the lips

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