Chapter 6:fighting :(

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raesoo saw the necklace raera droped and pick it up.

"ummm......raera is this yours"raesoo says."you have the half shape of this heart necklace"hyejae says.and luhan snatch it from raesoo"where did you saw this necklace"luhan says angry."ohh...that's mine"raera says.luhan gave it to shin and said."why are you not wearing it"luhan says."and why im gonna wear it "raera says."because i gave you that"luhan says.

"you are not my boyfriend to do what your saying"raera says angry.

"and im gonna make you my girlfriend and to be your boyfriend"luhan says ."ahhh... guys dont mind him" raera says . and luhan went upstairs and shot the door angry."excuse me im just going to put my necklace in my room wait a minute"raera says and went to her room .after that the other members are going to their dorm.someone open the gate."hey guys can we eat"baekhyun says and he were suprised because of hye jae "hye jae what are you doing here"baekhyun says."my elem. and highschool best friends invited to go here"hye jae.

"baekhyun come and eat"raera says ."luhan are you there"knok knok kris says."why come in its open"luhan says.kris went in and say "come on let's eat raera cook something"kris says and luhan says yelling.


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