Chapter 18: girls talk

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"Okay two days before the wedding" hyejae said . "Are you excited huh"raera said
" Yeah if course I am "hyejae said . "Me too I'm excited for you and Baekhyun"raera said . " you love luhan raera"hyejae asked . "Yes of course I love him"raera said . "You loved him....and then marry him after our wedding"hyejae said and raera laughed . "Hyejae we are not going to marry now we will if he proposed okay"raera said laughing . "Okay I thought you don't love luhan"hyejae
Said "me dont love my one and only love luhan haha I love him very much"raera said and luhan heard it . "Then I love you too jagiya" luhan said and kissed raera to the lips and run away . "Pervert man"raera said . "I'm not a Prevert bye honey" luhan said and walked away . " cute "hyejae said . "Okay back to the topic of shoes what do you want this or thus one"raera said . "Wait I want that one"hyejae said and pointed to a new designed shoes ."do you like it"raera said . "Yes I really love it why"hyejae said . "Haha did I tell to you that shoes you like its my idea"raera said ohh sorry I didn't told that raera have an bussiness its a shoe shop and her friends don't know it . "What you designed it" hyejae said ."yes I owned this shoe shop haha"raera said

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