Dating her (continuation)

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"Uhm...sehun why are you drinking last night"parkjae said . "Nothing I just want to forget something"sehun said

"What is it"parkjae said . "I want to forget raera" sehun said . "Why I thought she is your best friend"parkjae said. "Yes she is but I want to forget her because I love her not as a best friend . I want to forget my feelings for her"sehun said . "Oh..okay let's just eat this foods"parkjae said . "Okay "sehun said . They just continue eating they talk about their likes and hates . "Do you like pets"parkjae said . "Uhm....a little bit he he"sehun said . "Oh...okay"parkjae said . After they eat they went to their own house . "Good bye see you when I see you"parkjae said . "Okay good bye"sehun said and went to his dorm

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