Raera's birthday surprise

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Its raera's birthday now exo and her friends planed to surprise her . "Luhan are you here"raera said . "Yes of course I'm here its the birthday of my beautiful, kind,sweet,intelligent and sexy girl in my life happy birth day Jagiya" luhan said.  "You're so cheesy luhan . Bit thank you"raera said . "I said that because its true"luhan said . "Ahh....thank you jagi"raera said . "You're welcome . I love you"luhan said . "I love you too"raera said and have a quick peck on luhan's lips.
"Naughty girl"luhan said and they laughed . "Uhm....raera I have to go now"luhan said . "Ha...you're leaving the birthday girl"raera said and she pout . "Yes . Sorry raera I have a meeting" luhan said . "Oh....okay bye . I love you"raera said . "Bye too I love you too"luhan said and went to his friends yes the exo and raera's friend went to china to celebrate raera's birthday . "Guys raera is in the house I need xiumin to ho with her at the mall to decorate our hotel's room. okay xiumin you can go text me when you arrived in the mall"luhan said . "Okay bye guys I will text you too when we are on the hotel's entrance" xiumin said and went to raera . At the hotel  . "Raera do you want to go to the mall and buy some things for you its my treat"xiumin said . "Okay we can . Come on"raera said. And they went to the mall . "Raera do you want to go to that boutique" xiumin said while pointing in to a boutique. "Okay . Come on"raera said and they went to the boutique . "Try this raera you will look the prettiest girl in the whole world"xiumin said while giving the dress its a color blue dress with a color red in the bottom. "Haha.okay"raera said and went yo the fitting room . While raera is in the fitting room xiumin texted luhan
Hey bro where in the mall
Xiumin texted . After 3 hours xiumin texted luhan again
Luhan we are on the entrance of the hotel
Xiumin texted . "Guys xiumin and raera are on the entrance go turn of the lights guys"luhan said . "Okay luhan"hyejae said . After 5 minutes raera open the door and open the lights . "SURPRISE RAERA HAPPY BIRTHDAY"they all shout  and raera's tears falls down . "Guys why are you here" raera said . "We are here to celebrate your birthday" beakhyun said . "Thank you beakhyun and of course to all of you"raera said and beakhyun hugged raera yo comfort her. "Hey...you have a wife I should comfort her"luhan said . Raera break the hug . "Sorry luhan here you are "beakhyun said . And luhan hugged raera . "I love you babe"luhan said and kissed raera on the lips passionately . "What do you planned this huh"raera said and they all nod . "I love you . Lets eat guys"luhan said

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