Chapter 17:wedding preparations

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Now is a happy day to hye Jane and baek . "Umm...guys is this wedding gown fits in me "hyejae says . "No it doesn't fit you try this one"Raera said the wedding gown have a gems at the part of the stomach and its a strapless . "Raera this "hyejae said . "Oh my gosh it fits you perfectly" Raera said . "Ehem ehem is my bride have a happy day" baekhyun says.  "Baek do you pick the right for you" Hyejae said . "Yes I do you did you pick the wedding gown fits in you.baekhyun said . "Yes of course Raera helped me"hyejae said . "Do you have a dress yet raera "baekhyun said . "Why... I'm not even invited"Raera said . "Huh...who said you are not're invited cause you make me strong you are my inspiration he he joke"baekhyun said . "Why did not tell me"Raera said . "Sorry"hyejae said.  "Don't be sorry I'm just kidding" Raera said . "Do you have your dress yet yeobo"luhan said . "He he don't call me that way"Raera said . "Why you are my yeobo" luhan says . "Okay okay stop that hyejae and I have a lot to do okay"Raera said.  "But you don't still pick a dress for our wedding luhan can pick it" baekhyun says . "What "Raera said . "He he baek says that I will be the one who picks your dress for their wedding" luhan said excitedly he pick the dress that he want for raera and its so beautiful it fits Raera luhan fall in love again at Raera . "Does it fits me well" Raera asked . Luhan answered fast "YES" . "Okay come on and go to the food tasting for the cakes and the dishes after we change"hyejae says and change
"Umm..Raera what should I pick chocolate,vanilla,caramel, milky,strawberry or mocha" hyejae said . "You should the one who picked it I am not the one who will marry baekhyun I have my own luhan to marry hehehehe "Raera said while laughing . "Please"baekhyun said. "Okay...for you two I'll pick mocha happy"Raera said . "Thank you Raera " Hyejae said." okay its time for dishes"baekhyun said . Raera and hyejae laughed at the same time because they are done for the dishes . "Why are you two laughing" baek asked . "Because we finished the dishes" Raera said . "We are just gonna do the invitations" hyejae said and kissed baekhyun at the lip

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