i need to do this to forget about you but i cant

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This story is just sehun :)

This just a little bit dirty

Huh I'm so tired . "Hyung I'm just going bye" sehun said. Sehun went to a bar. "One bottle of champagne please"sehun ordered . "Coming up sir"the bar tender said seductively . "Here's you one bottle of champagne Sir" the bar tender said seductively again . One of the girls approach to sehun and kissed sehun on the lips . Sehun didn't notice that . "Hey there handsome can you come with me"the girl said . "And bye the way I'm tayeon haha I know you know me"she said and pull sehun to a secret room . Taeyeon push sehun to the bed and sehun try to get up but he can't taeyeon is on the top of him kissing his body. "Stop it taeyeon I don't like you"sehun said . "Why don't you like me"taeyeon said . "Because your a slut and your disgusting" sehun said and went outside of the bar


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