Chapter 9: kai is sick

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at the SME

"hi jagi"baekhyun says."hello"hyejae says."ok guys can we practice now"chen says .

"ok come on guys lets practice"luhan says and kiss raera in the cheeks,raera blushed.they were dancing so very good and the music is heart attack."boys are you okay there is a water there"raesoo says." very sweaty"d.o says .raesoo wiped the sweat of d.o with her towel."ok you can go to your dorm now"mr.nim says

at their dorm

everyone eat their lunch exept for kai ."hey kai let's eat"raera says."i dont want to eat"kai says."kai looks very pale"lay says."i will talk to him"sehun says."hey kai can i talk to you for a while"sehun says."yes what are we going to talk about"kai says."are you sick"sehun says."no im not"kai says.sehun touch his forehaed and neck and its so very warm. "you have a sick i will call your doctor"raera says .doc.:hello good afternoon what can i do for you.raera:umm...are you the doc. of kai.doc.:yes i am is he sick.raera:yes he is can you go here at their dorm thank you please quickly bye.

"hello were is kai"doc.says.

"come in doc."raera says.

the doctor is listing the medicine

"here is the list of medicine just buy it in the drug store thank you."kamsahmnida bye"raera says

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