Police Car arrives at an Abandoned home...
Officer Heels: Should we call for backup?
Officer Router: Don't be silly Rookie.
Officer Router exits the car with Officer Heels...
Officer Router rings the doorbell...
Sniper shoots Officer Router and Officer Heels...
Seven minutes later...
Detective Niles: Two dead cops next to an abandoned home that hasn't been used in seven years.
Detective Wayne: Why were they here?
Detective Niles: Last night someone called 911 about a suspicious black man breaking into this house.
Detective Wayne: That doesn't make any sense.
Detective Niles: I know but we both know it was a setup.
Detective Wayne: And it's our job to find out who did this.
Detective Niles: It's great to know you aren't a Rookie.
Eight minutes later...
Captain Jones: You six know what to do.
Detective Wayne: Hi Detective Kanoo.
Detective Kanoo: I got you fresh Coffee and Donuts.
Detective Wayne: You sure know how to treat a Partner.
Detective Kanoo: Well you have a Kid at home, it must be hard coming home just to be a Father.
Detective Wayne: Thanks for the sympathy.
Twelve minutes later...
K9 Cop: What is Murder Investigations doing here?
Detective Solus: There's a Sniper on the roof trying to kill you, the call was a setup, get out of here now!
K9 Cop: Nobody would dare shoot me.
Sniper shoots the K9 Cop in the head...
Detective Solus looks at the Sniper...
Detective Solus drives to the Sniper's home...
A few minutes later...
Detective Brits knocking on the door...
Sniper's Daughter opens the door...
Sniper's Daughter: Mommy, the Police are here!
Sniper's Wife: What are you cops doing here?
Detective Solus: Where is your Husband?
Sniper's Wife: He's shooting Cops.
Detective Solus: And you defend his actions?
Sniper's Wife: I sure do, cops are Monsters!
Detective Brits: How so?
Sniper's Wife: The Cops murdered my Brother and murdered my son Jun, get out of here!
Detective Solus: Your Brother and your Son committed crimes and your Husband is a Maniac with a gun.
Sniper's Wife smacks Detective Solus...
Detective Brits arrests the Sniper's Wife...
Seven minutes later...
Sniper's Wife: I should sue you all for Harassment!
Detective Kanoo: You assaulted an Officer and you are defending a Killer, tell me where your Husband is.
Sniper's Wife: So you can kill him?!
True Crime: West Virginia
Mystery / ThrillerA Little Girl was kidnapped and assumed dead. Detective Robert Wayne of the Murder Investigations Unit(MIU) is assigned to the case to get to the truth about his Daughter's murder. Welcome to Charleston West Virginia. Just so you know this story is...