Detective Wayne walks to Captain Kelso's office...
Captain Kelso: I forgot to mention you are promoted.
Detective Wayne: Thanks Captain.
Captain Kelso: Go to the Fisherman's Diner, there's been reports of food poisonings and there's two in the Morgue already, this situation needs to be resolved soon.
Detective Wayne walks to his car...
Detective Niles and Detective Wayne gets in the car...
Detective Niles: The Fisherman's Diner is closed down until our Investigation is over, let's clean house.
Detective Wayne drives to the Fisherman's Diner...
A few minutes later...
Detective Wayne: Where's the Health Inspector?
Manager: He's in the Morgue, he didn't even get to finish his burger, I feel really bad for what's happened.
Detective Niles: This place stinks and it's very dirty.
Manager: I found out my staff never cleaned their hands and one of them was caught peeing on the Patties.
Manager coughing...
Detective Wayne: He was caught peeing in the Patties and no one did anything when he gave it to the Customer?
Manager: Nope, the next day I saw it on one of the Cameras and fired all my staff for not doing anything.
Detective Niles: Are you going to clean this place?
Manager: Yes, and this time I work alone.
Detective Wayne: That's a wise choice.
Manager: Are you done here?
Detective Niles: Yes, but we need to watch the tapes.
Manager gives the tapes to the Detectives...
Manager: No problem Detectives.
Sixteen minutes later...
Captain Kelso: I want that guy in the video to be arrested for murdering two customers ASAP.
Detective Wayne: It will be done Captain.
A few minutes later...
Jessie: It was just a joke, I didn't mean to kill those people, the Manager is such a Drama King.
Detective Niles: You are a sick bastard!
Detective Foreman: There's nothing funny about peeing in someone's food asshole, two people are in the Morgue.
Jessie: You need to see it from my point of view.
Detective Niles: Excuse me?!
Jessie: Fast Food Employees always does these kinds of things, and customers still eat that filth.
Detective Foreman: You work at a Diner not a Fast Food Restaurant, you are supposed to give quality.
Jessie: I only make $2.00 an hour flipping burgers and scrubbing a Monkey's butt with a soapy sponge!
Detective Niles: And that's an excuse to poison people?
Jessie: It sure is, you don't know how hard it is.
Detective Foreman: Bullshit, in the 30's the minimum wage was only a Quarter, you're living on easy street.
Jessie: I hope you end up working at a diner scrubbing monkey butts all day so you would see for yourself how stressful this job is, I got a Rhinoceros in my pants!
True Crime: West Virginia
Mystère / ThrillerA Little Girl was kidnapped and assumed dead. Detective Robert Wayne of the Murder Investigations Unit(MIU) is assigned to the case to get to the truth about his Daughter's murder. Welcome to Charleston West Virginia. Just so you know this story is...