Chapter 54: Black Lies Matter

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Black Lies Matter Leader: It's time to kill all Crackers!

The Black Lies Matter Terrorists killing people...

Swat Cars arrive...

Swat Captain: Get on the ground assholes!

Swat starts shooting at Black Lies Matter Terrorists...

Detective Wayne arrives...

Detective Sims: What is going on here?

Swat Captain: War, we are dealing with racist terrorists.

Black Lies Matter Activist: Kill the Crackers!

The Black Lies Matter Terrorists shooting at Swat...

Swat and the Detectives returns fire...

Detective Wayne: They had no insurance and no ID.

Detective Sims: Like any war they will regret starting it.

Ten minutes later...

Mayor: Today West Virginia was attacked by Black Terrorists, I have authority from the President to send all Black Lies Matter Terrorists back to Africa to avoid any more bloodshed.

A few minutes later...

Captain Kelso: There's a homeless man claiming he's selling Leprechauns, I need the Wild Goose Chasers.

Detective Foreman: I'm your Wild Goose Chaser.

Detective Solomon laughing...

Detective Solomon: Good luck with that.

Captain Kelso: I said Wild Goose Chasers.

Detective Solomon: I have to be part of it too?!

Captain Kelso: Yes, now go my golden Giese.

A few minutes later...

Homeless Man: Leprechauns for sale, 50% off all pets.

Detective Foreman: You're selling chained Midgets?!

Homeless Man: No, they are Leprechauns!

Detective Solomon: What's the difference?

Homeless Man: They had a pot of Gold and their wearing Green, I proved Leprechauns exist!

Detective Foreman: You are under arrest for selling Midgets for 25 cents, I hope you rot criminal scum!

Detective Solomon arrests the Homeless Man...

Eight minutes later...

Captain Kelso: Did you find some Leprechauns?

Detective Solomon: No, I found a Homeless guy selling 5 Midgets for 25 cents, Foreman and I arrested him.

Captain Kelso: Well than, I guess we are back on our primary case, no more goose chasing for us.

Ten minutes later...

Black Lies Matter Activist #1: Black lives matter!

Black Lies Matter Activist burns a Black Church...

Police Cars arrive...

Officer #1: Don't move Terrorist Scum!

Black Lies Matter Activist #2: Roast the Pigs!

Black Lies Matter Activist #3 uses his flame thrower...

Officer #2 firing his gun...

Officer #1 firing his gun...

Detective Niles arrives...

Black Lies Matter Activist #4: I'm going to have pig tonight, kill all white people and cops!

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