Unrevealed Secrets

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I sat there staring into the flames my happiness and hopefulness burning along with the wood. I can't hold in my tears anymore when I once again, see my child crash into the icy water, Jon following behind. I went to save him. Sure, I am very glad the other men survived but they are not who I came for. I came for Jon and lost a child but still wasn't able to save him.

I knew we were leaving in the morning, but I didn't want to leave, maybe there was a chance he survived, a chance...a chance for him to come back to me...

I jumped at a knock at the door.

"Come in" I said my voice just above a whisper.

The door opened and someone walked in, I didn't see who walked in and to be honest I didn't care. I shivered at the cold. I wondered how people could possibly live up here.

"Your grace I brought you somethings" Davos's voice said

I slowly turn and see he had brought some water, wine and what looked like some cakes, along with some northern furs.

"Thank you, Davos" I say as he places the cakes, water and wine on the tray. He then walks behind my chair and places the furs on me.

I instantly fell sorrow wash over me, the scent on the furs was very recognizable, these were Jon's furs. But it was also comforting and warm which I appreciated.

I pull it tighter around me "Thank you Davos" I whisper again closing my eyes, Imagining Jon wrapped around me.

He smiles at me "I know you are probably hurting right now, over the loss of your Dragon and Jon, we all are. He was like a son to me; I miss him a lot, but I know you miss him more."

I looked up at him "I...I...yes I miss him, but I am unsure I miss him as much as you do, I mourn for my child, and you said it yourself you love him like a son."

He let out a light chuckle "Yes I do your grace, but I know how much he meant to you and how much you meant to him." I opened my mouth to argue but nothing came out " I will see you in the morning your grace, try and get some rest" he said, I nodded at him and walked out the door.

I stood up holding Jon's furs tight against me, then walked to the bed. I climbed in and pulled over the blankets, I then wrapped Jon's fur around my shoulders and rested my face in it. I took a deep breath inhaling his scent, it was then I finally let myself cry.

I watched In my head as my child was struck again and again. But if I thought I was hurt then...I watched in horror as Jon was tackled into that lake.

They were gone, never coming back, he was never coming back to me. I hadn't even gotten to tell him how I really felt; I had been a coward. 'Why is it always me? I finally open up my heart just for it to be broken again'

I eventually fell asleep from exhaustion, crying myself to sleep.


I pulled myself out of the icy depths, I had to survive no matter what it took, the world needs me, I wonder if she needs me, or even cares that I am gone. She probably is just mourning her child; she doesn't feel the same about me and I had to accept that. First though I had to survive.

I managed to stand and walk, but the wights that were at the back, noticed me and started to run at me, I knew then it was over for me, I did not have the energy to last more then ten seconds against so many wights.

Despite all the people I cared about, all the people that cared about me, I could only think of one person, and that was her, the one who had opened my scarred heart when I though I wasn't ever going to love someone like that again, gods was I wrong.

As they got closer, I pictured her, her beautiful violet Targaryen eyes, Her long sliver hair and the smile he saw very rarely.

Then as I gave up I saw a man on a horse with a weapon of fire, he was swinging it around killing wights trying to get to me, my vision was becoming blurry now as I watched the horse get closer and closer, I then watched as a man climbed off and walked towards me, he pulled down his mask and I gasped

"Uncle Benjen?!" I asked swearing I was dreaming this.

He grabbed me and pushed me up onto his horse

"Go!" he says turning to face the wights

"Come with me" I manage to say

He looks up at me with a smile

"This is my purpose Jon, go fulfill yours. GO!" he said slapping the horse to run heading back to the wall, heading back to her...

I look back in horror and sadness as Benjen gets swarmed by wights, I slowly lose conscious only thinking about her.

Note: Should I continue? Let me know!

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