The Dragon Queen

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Sansa stood waiting, the sound of marching could be heard from afar, Jon had returned, and he had brought back the Targaryen Queen.

She looked down at her sister, who stood at her right, anxiously tapping her foot in the snow.

The sight surprised her, as she hadn't seen Arya nervous in a very long time. But she knew why she was now; Jon was always her favorite and she was finally getting to see him again.

She looked to her left, down at Bran, who like usual, was staring into nothing, with no emotions on his face. She wondered what Jon's reaction to Bran will be like, well she wouldn't have to wait long as she could see the front line of the Unsullied marching to Winterfell.

She was still shocked Jon had bent the knee to Daenerys Targaryen, she was also annoyed he would do something so foolish.

She hadn't told the Lords and Ladies because she wanted Jon to see firsthand what he had got himself into, she wouldn't be yelled at for his mistakes.

Arya stood not so patiently waiting for the horse with her brother on it to trot through. She was secretly excited to meet the Dragon Queen, she hoped she would at least get to see her dragons.

And as if the gods had heard her wish, a screech echoes down over the usual silence caused by the Winter Snows. Her breath completely leaves her, everyone glances up at the sky and all get to witness as an enormous green scaled dragon soar out of the clouds.

Her eyes widen and she feels more exhilaration then she had ever felt, she takes in every detail she can before another roar reverberates through her body and the ground. She watches in awe as an even bigger Dragon, black scaled, dark red tinge, emerges from the cloud behind its brother.

The dragons soar over Winterfell and people gasp in shock as Winterfell envelops in darkness, a shadow caused by the colossal creatures as they glide over her home.

They take back to the skies, until they eventually disappear into the clouds once more.

Arya was in shock and complete awe, she couldn't believe she had just witnessed that, it had felt like a dream, a vision of her hopes and dreams, but was real, very real.

She looked around and noticed how quiet everyone was now, most people's jaws unhinged, eyes widened.

The dragons had caused quite the show and distraction. She realised that Jon and a girl covered in a hood had indeed trotted in while everyone's eyes had been cast to the sky.

Jon climbs off his horse and Arya fights the urge to sprint towards him, she watches as Jon then walks over to the girl in the hood, who she presumed was the Queen and helps her off her horse.

The Queen took a look around while Jon smiled and said something to her.

She saw it right away. The look he gave her.

Sansa saw it too.

They both knew immediately that their brother was in love with the Dragon Queen. Sansa fought the urge to yell at Jon.

More people came in off their horses, Sansa made out a taller man, who strangely looked like a Northern man, a short dark-skinned girl, an Unsullied soldier, who had taken his helmet off and was standing close to the dark-skinned girl, Ser Davos, Varys, and lastly, Tyrion Lannister.

Jon turned towards them his eyes gazing from Bran to Sansa then lastly to Arya, he couldn't help the smile that grew on his face when he made eye contact with his sister.

She couldn't help it anymore, she took a few steps forward and to her relief, so did Jon. Their steps quickly turned into a sprint, until Arya jumped into her brother's arms as he raised her up like he used to do.

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