Flesh and Blood

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Daenerys lay in her bed crying for a while, until she decided it was useless to try and sleep. She rose from her furs and decided to get some fresh cool northern air.

Her Unsullied guards walked her to the doors, where she told them to wait, not wanting to be seen in her state.

She walked outside, her boots crunching in the snow as she basically stumbled around.

She found herself sitting down by a tree and staring at the sky, her heart hadn't felt pain like this before...rejection. It was a wound she couldn't heal, a source of pain that had no relief. It just hurt...so much...

She sat there for a while and when she thought her night couldn't get any worse...it did, it got so much worse.

Three men and a boy walked by, laughing and chatting, clearly extremely drunk, excluding the boy.

One of them spotted her, all by herself.

"Ah boys! Look at this beauty...all by her lonesome."

The men turned to her and Daenerys immediately knew she was in danger, she stood up and began to walk away, only for one of the taller men to step in front of her.

"Where do you think your going beautiful?" he chuckles.

"Back to my chambers. Why?" She says, her tone not showing any fear.

"I don't think so pretty one." He smirked, pushing her back towards the tree.

Daenerys watched as the men looked at each other, only the boy didn't look happy with the situation. "What do you think? Take turns?"

"Father don't be stupid! She is the Queen!" The boy hiding behind them exclaims.

"Shut your mouth boy!"

One of the men licks his lips and approaches, Dany closes her eyes and calls to Drogon, but she knows he is hunting so he is probably no where near close enough to save her in time.

"You do this, you will die screaming." Dany warns.

The man only laughs. "Sure Darling."

He lunges forward, grabbing her arms and pulling her against him.

"Yes, hold her!" One of them yells as she struggles against the strong arms holding her.

"Stop it!" The boy yells. "Don't do this father!"

"Shut your mouth boy, last chance!" he yells, then turns to Dany.

He smiles as he grabs her dress, Dany swallows, knowing she doesn't have much chance of getting out of this.

With a quick move Daenerys elbows the man holding her captive, in the balls. She then punches the man in front of her and turns to run, only for the third man to catch her.

"You ain't going nowhere!" he laughs. Dany kicks and struggles as he pins her to the snow.

The man she hit in the balls stumbles over. "You fucking bitch! I am going first!"

He then pulls down his breeches as the man pinning her reaches down to lift her dress.

But before he can a loud growl reverberates through the snow.

All eyes turn to the sound as a blur of white fur jumps over Daenerys in a burst of speed, she closes her eyes and exhales in relief when the man pinning her gets pulled off, the next things she hears aren't exactly pleasant.

She first hears the snarl of the creature, before the sound of flesh being ripped and blood hitting the snow, the screams of the man only lasting a second or two as his throat is ripped from his body.

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