Do You Still Love Me?

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Jon slammed his cup down against the table and sighed. Another feast of him sitting alone getting drunk passed by quickly and he was glad It was over.

Mostly because he had to pretend like he wasn't hollow on the inside to his friends and family all throughout the day and the end of the feast signaled the end of the day, the end of the day allowed Jon to leave the curious gazes of the people and the 'Are you alright?' questions from his family.

It also allowed him to be completely private, therefore free with his emotions and thoughts.

He rose from his seat and started to walk for the door, as he did, he made eye contact with Daenerys, who watched him from her seat, which she had moved further away a week ago.

For the first time since their separation, Jon didn't look away, instead taking the moment to appreciate Daenerys's incredibly gorgeous eyes.

He stopped moving when he realised, she hadn't looked away either, he was unable to read her facial expression, unable to see her emotions in her eyes like he used to be able to. She had shut him off completely and he didn't blame her. 

After a few moments he broke their gaze, looking to the floor instead. He closed his eyes and breathed out, before walking past her without taking another look.

As soon as he was clear of the room, the noise faded, and he was able to properly breathe. He bumped into the wall and inhaled a shaky breathe, the hallway was spinning, and Jon knew it was a matter of moments before he fell.

Jon glanced at his hands and noticed his hands were shaking as if he was about to charge into battle. 

He also wasn't entirely sure it was his hands shaking because it could have easily been his drunk vision, but what he did know he was about to collapse in the hallway all alone and drunk.

He slid down the wall and lay on his side with a thud, his eyelids suddenly growing heavy.

Jon then came to a realization as he lay on the floor. He no longer cared what people thought, he was alone, and he hated it.


Dany exhaled heavily as soon as Jon left the room. He looked like a mess and though Daenerys knew it was his own doing and that he chose to push her away, it hurt her to see him like that.

She had been waiting to talk to him...she realized she had let him push her away when he had needed her the most. He was lost, he just found out his entire life was a lie and he was completely alone.

Dany knew what it was like to feel completely and utterly alone, she also knew that she was stubborn and when people had tried to help her, she had pushed them away, refusing help. It was only now, during the feast, while watching Jon pour cup after cup down his throat did she realize he needed her.

Jon was just as stubborn as Daenerys and now she realized that was why he had really pushed her away, because that's exactly what she would have done.

Despite all that, it still hurt Daenerys that he refused to let himself love her. Over the past few weeks she had felt alone, she had allowed herself to believe the feeling would go away, deep down knowing it wouldn't until she was in his arms again.

She was pulled from her thoughts when Ghost rose from his laying down position, suddenly sniffing at the door.

He wined and looked back at her with his beady red eyes, so she rose to find out what had caused Ghost to act strange.

She opened the door and Ghost nudged past her, he ran down the hall as she watched with curious eyes, he then stopped over a body on the floor and sniffed it.

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